The Graduate Fair

Photography studio filled with photo equipment and lights
Photography studio filled with photo equipment and lights Credit: Pexels, Source: Pixabay

The event that I attended as part of my work at this internship was the college’s Graduate Fair on April 13th, which was to help students have access to vendors selling and/or providing graduate services such as senior portraits, diploma frames, and class rings. I assisted my supervisor with his booth for the Commencement shout outs, which are video recordings of students sending a message to their loved ones that would play during Commencement. I helped set up my supervisor’s equipment; plugged in cables, set up the light pole, etc.; and assisted him with informing and signing up students for the shout outs and holding the transmitter for the lavalier microphone, also known as a body mic. My supervisor and I managed to have about eight people sign up to do the shout outs, most were confused at first thinking we were part of the senior portrait booth which was located next to us due to setup and equipment. I ended up directing most students who came by the booth towards the senior portrait booth as they only wanted to have their picture taken.

There wasn’t as much activity as a result but the whole experience reminded me of my last job of being a production assistant where I had to set up photo/video equipment and assist the photographer/videographer during event shoots. I felt my past training kind of “kicked in”; especially during setup, holding the transmitter for the mic and knowing what it was called; it was so familiar to me that I felt I was back at that old job. Most of what I experienced and learned from that position I have applied at this internship, especially during times when the work required to be hands on as with the fair and from past projects. It really makes me happy when I can use past knowledge for something else or for something new as it showcases my skills and ingenuity to apply it for a given situation.