Based on my overall experience here at the internship, I believe I’m doing okay with what I have done both in work ethic and work submitted simply due to knowing I could have done better. There were a couple of times where I have made some mistakes; I have recently made an error of forgetting to share a Dropbox folder to my supervisor resulting in some work being submitted late. He reached out to me via text but I failed to answer in time due to being in class; I did not see the messages until hours later, messaged him immediately and shared folder access. I also sent the same files to my supervisor through email just in case if the sharing option did not go through. This whole event could have been avoided if I simply just checked to make sure the folder was properly shared, which I’ll now do from this point on.
From my previous work experiences, such mistakes can result in you getting fired. The first job I had was an Assistant Counselor position at a daycare/summer camp where there were thirty seasonal workers in total including myself. By the end of the summer, half of those workers were fired and replaced for mistakes made on the job. I wasn’t among those fired, but seeing it happen made me diligent in trying not to make mistakes and to not stress out my superiors. That first job experience taught me that I have to be aware of any mistakes I do and strive to be better for such errors can cost you. With this internship, I try to work as hard as I can and to always do better the next day for I know I can do better if I learn from my mistakes and improve.
PDF (English): Self-Evaluation – Amberly Lima’s ePortfolio (English)
PDF (Spanish): Self-Evaluation – Amberly Lima’s ePortfolio (Spanish)
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