Collaborative Project

Close up of bread dough on a table covered in flour
Close up of bread dough on a table covered in flour Credit: Ruby & Peter Skitterians, Source: Pixabay

An example of a collaborative project I have done so far at the internship would be the Hospitality Management ad campaign. The project is to help promote the department and encourage students interested in the field to apply for the respective courses. My task was to shoot photos of a culinary class with students in their element, doing their work in baking pastries and bread in this case. I worked alongside my supervisor, with him capturing the class in video and performing one-on-one interviews with culinary students. I was told to be a “fly on the wall”, to capture what I could and to make sure I had variety in the shots taken. Only a couple times was I explicitly told to take certain camera shots, specifically of the class board with the name of the class and section and of students actively baking, the rest was up to me to decide. I was mainly on my own as my supervisor and I were often moving around to capture good shots of the students and trying to be quiet as it was an active on-going class. I had to be mindful of where my supervisor was so I wouldn’t get into his shots and he into mine.

The overall work was successful; I managed to generate a large collection of photos with variety which I then was tasked with organizing them by quality in Lightroom. After selecting the best ones and creating a smaller collection, I sent them to my supervisor for review. What was unsuccessful about the whole experience was that I’ve forgotten to change my camera settings to capture raw camera shots for editing purposes. Raw images allow for complex editing in Photoshop and/or Lightroom for better overall quality of the photo. The images I took were the type where only so much editing can be applied to it, affecting the end quality result. This experience has taught me to always double check the camera settings when shooting for you never know when you will need to produce high quality photos for a given project.