Internship Position & About the Company

Front-view of the Company Building
Front-view of the Company Building, Credit: Ken Cavanagh

For my Internship course, I applied and earned a position with Image & Visual Communications, a design publications company. Image & Visual Communications is a public company located in a multi-floored building in Brooklyn with its main office on the 6th floor. The company is the official office of communications for a public educational institution, involved in publications associated with it.

The company’s main focus is to provide promotional materials for the institution in any shape or form from posters to video production. The size of the company is relatively small, mainly being run by a couple of designers in charge of their own separate projects. Due to Image & Visual Communication’s association and main client with the institution as well as being the official office of communications, I would assume the company has been around since the institution was founded if not less.

I don’t seem to work in any given department for as stated before, the company is relatively small only run by a small group of designers; my department is also my role of being intern/assistant.