Noire Final – Alain Lazare

Scene 1. light is shining from outside Window. 2 light post is above from her 3. shes running into a dark alley but the light from the light post is still hitting her backside. 4 there is hardly any light as she rummages through her bag. 5. shes running into the light at the end of the alley as the dark figure tries to reach for her. 6. theres another light post at the end of the alley which she gets closer to. the dark figure is still along the dark area of the alley. 7. As she approaches. his shadow is project towards her. 8. he puts to her with some of the light hitting his face but still remains hidden for most part.

9. She is still underneath the light post at the end of the alley so pretty much all of it is hitting her. 10.The guy reveals her phone. 11. They meet face to face and she gets a good look at the man who simply was trying to return the phone she left at the bar. they smile.