
Hello! My name is Ana Kobiashvili and I’m in my senior year as a dental hygiene student at New York City College of Technology.

I started looking into Dental Hygiene during my senior year of high school. In my senior year, I was in a program called BOSCES. This program offered dental assisting and my sister and I thought it would be great to learn and took it.  After the first few weeks in the program and getting to know my instructor, I found out she was not only a teacher, but a dental hygienist as well. She told me what it was like as a dental hygienist and how much she enjoyed it. After having several conversations about it, I felt that it was a career choice I wanted to pursue. During that program, I also had the opportunity to shadow dental hygiene students at Farmingdale State College on Long Island. Once I finished the program at BOSCES and after observing students in a dental hygiene program, I knew it was the career I wanted to pursue.

It’s been an exciting process, but a tough journey as well. I’ve learned throughout this to never give up and I’m happy to be able to utilize what I’ve learned in the real world.