Category Archives: Uncategorized

Assignment 3: Business Cards

The task here was to create a business card for either ourselves or any entity. The first one was to be created as a copy of an existing card, and the second one was to be a custom design by us. For some reason, the first image didn’t crop correctly when it was exported. The business cards shown here are based on the fictional entity Nelson and Murdock from the Marvel Universe, a partnership of attorneys Matt Murdock and Franklin “Foggy” Nelson. The phone number and address used here was taken from the Easter Egg of a business card for Nelson and Murdock from Marvel’s Spider-Man, the 2018 PlayStation 4 game.

Assignment 2: Silhouette

The task here was to create a silhouette of a person posing. I used an image of the YouTube content creator Nitro Rad, doing the pose that Sonic the Hedgehog does on the box art for Sonic Adventure on the Sega Dreamcast. This pose is somewhat of an in-joke in the Sonic fanbase, due to how simultaneously cool-looking, yet impractical it is.

Assignment 1: Logos

The task here was to create a logo representing ourselves. Sadly, I didn’t really get to do that, as my original work was deleted before I could finish it, and I had to rush to recreate it, so I couldn’t use many ideas. What it ended up becoming was a cat with fire ears.