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What is the problem?

What is the problem? Well there was large dump of plastic bags found in rivers, and in oceans. These are very hazardous to marine life, to environment as well to us. We have all read and heard about the same since last 2-3 years. One should stop using plastic bags. Even though we do not litter or dump the plastic bags in the dustbin, but still the number of plastic bags is causing a big problem. Each one of is responsible for that problem. If while going to any trip or picnic if one avoids the bottled water and just fill up the water in the water bottle, it will save many plastic bottles. One can carry the cotton bags or jute bags, esp. cotton bags which can be easily folded, and one can use that while shopping. The reason plastic bags are being made chargeable, has purpose behind the same.  Plastic is ingrained in our everyday lives. When used, the longevity and low cost are advantageous; but, once discarded, they cause widespread problems. Plastic is making its way through the world’s seas, where it will take years to decompose. It enters marine habitats and has an effect on up to 700 species. Ingesting plastic causes stunted growth, tumors, and less active reproduction in animals and lower ability to protect against predators.  A new study showed that many of the seafood we consume has micro plastics inside, these micro plastics can heavily harm humans in the long term, it would not be a surprise that most people today consumed plastic without knowing. Some other benefits of ridding plastics from oceans is by Improving waste management systems decreases the risk of infectious diseases spreading, reduces livestock and fish stock contamination and decreases respiratory illnesses caused from burning trash.  Proper waste management enhances public health conditions through improved sanitation, reduced waste burning and removing breeding grounds for mosquitoes ( Currently up to $120 billion worth of plastic is lost to the economy. Effective waste management would turn this around and help encourage a circular economy.


My Proposal is to deploy more boats that clean up oceans, instead of donations and funding made randomly by corporations and people, I would propose more funding for these types of vessels from governments around the world to rid of plastic damaging ecosystems in the ocean, that will inevitably reach the land and affect humans. Specifically, the deployment of The Interceptor, which is The Ocean Cleanup’s answer for river plastic waste. It is the first scalable solution to prevent plastic from entering the world’s oceans from rivers, It is 100% solar-powered, extracts plastic autonomously, and is capable of operating in the majority of the world’s most polluting rivers.

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