Individual Strengths

As a human being and a professional nurse, I am not just compassionate and kind. One of my greatest strengths is that, I deeply enjoy working with people. As a professional nurse leader, I consider my self to be an example to everyone around me. I am loyal not only to my job but to my patients as well. I am a nurse today because it brings me the greatest satisfaction being able to make a positive impact in someone’s life. For me nursing is a profession of love. Yes, because love means giving the best of you, without expecting anything in return, and this is what I do as a nurse day by day for all my patient and families. As a nurse you never know what you’re going to get at the starting of a shift. I do what is most important; I focus in giving the best quality care, provide safety and save lives. In nursing you most likely will witness success or death, but at the end of the day, what matters is that you gave a part of yourself to someone you didn’t even know and no matter how nice, poorly they treated you, or how tired your felt, you stood by their side. At the end of the shift you are walking home and remembering those word “THANK YOU” for being there, bringing great joy to your heart, because this is what you love doing. Knowing that you became their strength, their energy that helped them to keep going and move on with their lives. After all you realized that you always have to keep strong to help those under your care and families to face those difficult times. You are the hero, which is an act of love.