Five Minds For The Future

Aaron Gamble
English 1101
“Five Minds For The Future” Essay Summary
The five minds for the future by Howard Gardner addresses intelligence and the intelligence of the future. Gardner believes that in order for a person to be well equipped to deal with certain situations, he or she should focus on all five minds for the future and not just one. The minds are, Disciplined, Synthesizing, Creating, Respectful, and Ethical mind. Howard Gardner believes that those 5 types are leaned on heavily and will be more valuable as time passes.

Research Paper Draft #2

Aaron Gamble
English 1101
Research Paper draft #2


Love. What happened to it? What went wrong throughout time? Why is it nowadays that love is so tainted and fragile? From the Shakespearean era to the latest of the 2000s, love has changed drastically. The human race has gone from praising and accepting only the highest form of love to disowning it, downing it, and more often than none, ignoring it. It has been pushed down further into the depths of the heart, and even further into the most sacred realms of the human mind. So much so that it barely exists. As of right now, no one wants to be in love and when they claim that they are, they usually only have a mere understanding of what is to actually love and be in love with someone.
Not to put rules and regulations on the act of love, but in most cases, they don’t even know how to love properly. Real, genuine, and unconditional love is rare. Most of us can only relate to that when regarding the type of love our grandparents have or had; an undisputed commitment and willingness to understand one another before volunteering our own ideas of what love is. We find it shallow and sometimes even regretful to marry young, at an age like seventeen; furthermore, we think it nearly impossible to remain married for fifty years or sometimes shorter. That’s because we’re a younger generation, we’re a lot more selfish and consumed with the idea of things, rather than what they are. We parlay too much with our imagination, and forget to embrace and cherish our reality.
What is my definition of true love, you ask? When I think about love, the first thing that comes to mind is Romeo and Juliet, two of my most favorite characters created from Shakespeare’s imagination. Though their story faced a tragic ending, their love prevailed before and after their death. It is understood that they were so infatuated, so emotionally aroused by one another that they would’ve killed to be together or had rather died than to be apart. And even though their existence derived from Shakespeare’s imagination, he writes it as vividly as he envisioned it because he believed in the strength and existence of true love. To compare his understanding of love to what most do now is almost impossible. Not many are selfless enough to even ponder the thought of giving their life for someone they truly love. People aren’t genuinely interested in a life-changing experience, such as falling in love.
How many times a day do you think you encounter someone that would rather cherish a genuine, long-lasting relationship than something that only benefits them for the moment or time being. That’s another thing that confuses what love is. Everyone wants a temporary fuse and to be someone’s center of attention without being willing to give or receive something worth focusing on. They make love a materialistic ideal or happening, belittling the nature of what it is initially. Like rapper, J. Cole, once referenced in an interview, “What I realize is that the monetary, the material, even the success – like the things you place your importance on, never can satisfy you and ever make you happy because they never end. There’s no amount of money that can ever make you stop if money is what you care about. You’ll keep going – ‘Ah, I got a million, gotta get ten. Got ten, gotta get a hundred. Got a hundred, gotta get five. Got five, gotta get a billion.’ If it’s cars, you’ll never have enough cars. If it’s women, you’ll never have enough; you’ll be chasing them forever. If it’s success, you can never get enough of that. I realized that. It doesn’t stop, it keeps calling you, it’s like a drug. It’s a hamster wheel. You’re never satisfied. But, if you place your importance on this, which is like appreciation – love – you know, it’s like that is enough. There’s enough of that in everybody’s life right now if they just took the time to look.” The rapper went on the state throughout the interview.
When did the drop off in love occur? When did the meaning of love switch up? What is your definition of love? What is the real definition of love? All of those questions have yet to be answered and as time continues to pass by, the answers to those question will fade. Where did the word come from, who decided one day to make up that word and just attach it to a certain feeling. What if, that’s the big question… What if..

Works Cited.
Jermaine Lamarr Cole. “2014 Forest Hills Drive Interview” Published by, Angie Martinez, Power 105.1
William Shakespeare, “Romeo and Juliet.” 1597.
Complex Magazine July 2014 issue.

Research Paper Draft #1

Aaron Gamble
English 1101
Research Paper draft #1


Love. What happened to it? What went wrong throughout time? Why is it nowadays that love is so tainted and fragile? From the Shakespearean era to the latest of the 2000s, love has changed drastically. The human race has gone from praising and accepting only the highest form of love to disowning it, downing it, and more often than none, ignoring it. It has been pushed down further into the depths of the heart, and even further into the most sacred realms of the human mind. So much so that it barely exists. As of right now, no one wants to be in love and when they claim that they are, they usually only have a mere understanding of what is to actually love and be in love with someone.
Not to put rules and regulations on the act of love, but in most cases, they don’t even know how to love properly. Real, genuine, and unconditional love is rare. Most of us can only relate to that when regarding the type of love our grandparents have or had; an undisputed commitment and willingness to understand one another before volunteering our own ideas of what love is. We find it shallow and sometimes even regretful to marry young, at an age like seventeen; furthermore, we think it nearly impossible to remain married for fifty years or sometimes shorter. That’s because we’re a younger generation, we’re a lot more selfish and consumed with the idea of things, rather than what they are. We parlay too much with our imagination, and forget to embrace and cherish our reality.
What is my definition of true love, you ask? When I think about love, the first thing that comes to mind is Romeo and Juliet, two of my most favorite characters created from Shakespeare’s imagination. Though their story faced a tragic ending, their love prevailed before and after their death. It is understood that they were so infatuated, so emotionally aroused by one another that they would’ve killed to be together or had rather died than to be apart. And even though their existence derived from Shakespeare’s imagination, he writes it as vividly as he envisioned it because he believed in the strength and existence of true love. To compare his understanding of love to what most do now is almost impossible. Not many are selfless enough to even ponder the thought of giving their life for someone they truly love. People aren’t genuinely interested in a life-changing experience, such as falling in love.
How many times a day do you think you encounter someone that would rather cherish a genuine, long-lasting relationship than something that only benefits them for the moment or time being. That’s another thing that confuses what love is. Everyone wants a temporary fuse and to be someone’s center of attention without being willing to give or receive something worth focusing on. They make love a materialistic ideal or happening, belittling the nature of what it is initially. Like rapper, J. Cole, once referenced in an interview, “What I realize is that the monetary, the material, even the success – like the things you place your importance on, never can satisfy you and ever make you happy because they never end. There’s no amount of money that can ever make you stop if money is what you care about. You’ll keep going – ‘Ah, I got a million, gotta get ten. Got ten, gotta get a hundred. Got a hundred, gotta get five. Got five, gotta get a billion.’ If it’s cars, you’ll never have enough cars. If it’s women, you’ll never have enough; you’ll be chasing them forever. If it’s success, you can never get enough of that. I realized that. It doesn’t stop, it keeps calling you, it’s like a drug. It’s a hamster wheel. You’re never satisfied. But, if you place your importance on this, which is like appreciation – love – you know, it’s like that is enough. There’s enough of that in everybody’s life right now if they just took the time to look.” The rapper went on the state throughout the interview.
When did the drop off in love occur? When did the meaning of love switch up? What is your definition of love? What is the real definition of love? All of those questions have yet to be answered and as time continues to pass by, the answers to those question will fade. Where did the word come from, who decided one day to make up that word and just attach it to a certain feeling. What if, that’s the big question… What if..

Works Cited.
Jermaine Lamarr Cole. “2014 Forest Hills Drive Interview” Published by, Angie Martinez, Power 105.1
William Shakespeare, “Romeo and Juliet.” 1597.
Complex Magazine July 2014 issue.

Despite Setbacks, Bloomberg plan has made New York greener summary

Aaron Gamble
English 1101
Assignment Essay Summary
“Despite Setbacks, Bloomberg Plan Has Made New York Greener.” By Courtney Gross address how former president Bill Clinton and Mayor Michael Bloomberg plan to take the necessary steps to make the NY a greener place. Bill Clinton bought a hybrid car, and Mayor Bloomberg painted the roof of his upper east side townhouse white. The both have plans to reduce carbon emissions by more than 30 percent over the next two decades and prepare the city for a population influx of 1 million people.

From HipHop to DooWop

Aaron Gamble
English 1101
“From Hip Hop To Doo Wop”

The Story “From Hip Hop To Doo Wop: The Bittersweet Odyssey Of African-American In The South Bronx” by Mark Naison addresses life in the south Bronx. He also addresses the influences of music in the area, he goes on to name the popular songs that come out of the Bronx, which were The Chantel’s “Maybe” and Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five’s “The message” He also stated an interesting fact, those two bands lived less than six blocks away from one another. Back then the Bronx was an important center of musical creativity in the blues and hip hop eras.

Textual Analysis Essay Draft #1

Aaron Gamble
English 1101
Textual Analysis Essay Draft #1

In William Shakespeare’s sonnet #30 “When to the sessions of sweet silent thought.” William paints a soft picture with his words, he goes on to detail a man sitting alone and reminiscing on his past, then transforms the reminiscing to regret. Regret for not completing projects and fulfilling desires he once had. William Shakespeare, a poet born in 1582 and died in 1616. William was an English poet, playwright, and actor. Some of his famous quotes are “We are such stuff as dreams are made on, and our little life, is rounded with a sleep.”, “Better three hours too soon than a minute too late.” and “We know what we are, but know not what we may be.” In one of his most popular sonnets and maybe the saddest, sonnet #30, Shakespeare writes in a voice of a man that has deep regrets and pain. The sonnet goes on and states the man’s pain that has formed over the passing years, the pain for the loved ones that he lost, the pain that he feels when he realizes that he wasted so much time and that he hasn’t completed anything that he once strived for.
Shakespeare writes from a place that everybody has, we all have those goals we set and want to complete. We don’t want to end up somewhere down the line, lost and incomplete because we haven’t completed any of the goals we set for ourselves. He appeals to the reader’s emotions; he makes us think about our goals. Rather they are goals about love, your career, or the most important goal, a goal of betterment of yourself. We read and feel the pain of another human being, sitting alone in silence, just thinking about their past. Feeling sad, and getting depressed about all the things that person doesn’t have. When you think about that, you think about how much time you have left on this earth, and how much time you wasted on things and people that wasn’t important to you. You realize that you let your life slip out of your hands, and the irony of that is when you finally stop and take a breath and look around. You look in the mirror and see this person you don’t even recognize. This person that has aged and aged over the years, that’s when the real pain sets in.
This sonnet has a perfect layer of pain, it’s like remembering the past is the blade, and realizing your failures and realizing all the time you’ve wasted is the first thrust of the blade into your heart. As you start to think deeper and deeper, the pain adds up. The second thrust is remembering all the loved ones you’ve lost, or even the special people you’ve held close to your heart that isn’t in your life anymore. We all know the pain of that, we all know what it’s like to lose someone you love, whether it’s to the Grim Reaper, or if it’s just by choice. That pain isn’t something we signed up for but it’s something that comes from being human, we don’t like it but it’s a part of life. It’s a part of living, we can lose a loved one at any time but knowing that doesn’t change that pain we feel. Knowing that doesn’t stop the tears from falling from our eyes.
But the third layer, the third layer is what takes the cake. The third and final thrust of that blade, which tops everything off. It hits that one spot, that spot that makes you relive every single thing. You recall the times where you cried yourself to sleep over the same things that pains you now, you think to yourself, “Haven’t I suffered enough? When is it going to end?” Those questions bounce throughout your mind as those tears trickle down your cheeks. All of a sudden you feel the blade retreat your heart, the pain easing up and the slow stream of tears slowing. As you relive your past, you remember that one person. Just the simplest thought of that person could end all your sorrows, and for a slight second you can get back everything you’ve once lost. The pain is no more.
In this poem hides a lot of self-reflection, it makes us think about the things that is paining this particular person. Whether Shakespeare meant for this or not, Sonnet #30 is one of my favorite sonnets to this day.

Personal Narrative Essay Draft #1

Aaron Gamble
English 1101
Personal Narrative Essay Draft #1

The Move

Have you ever woken up and found your life changing before your eyes? Moving from New York to Georgia was probably one of my biggest struggles to this day. It all happened so suddenly and for a long time I had a lot of anger built up towards my mother for deciding to pick us up and drop us off in a totally different environment and culture. As time passed and I got older, I slowly began to understand more and more. Maybe moving down there was the best thing for us at that time, maybe it was the best thing for me. Throughout this essay, I will take you on a trip down memory lane, and hopefully show you a slight view of my life and the struggles that came with it early on. Struggles including, the questions I had formed over the move, life before the move, the different hotels that housed us then eventually our permanent home.
This small town in Georgia was going to be my new home and the only things I knew about the place was its name, how hot it was, and the fact that most of my family lived there. It wasn’t something I was used to at all. When I was younger my grandmother and I used to take trips down there, and I like it, but it just wasn’t home. We all know the feeling of home, and I didn’t have an ounce of that feeling in my body. I was always ready to leave and return back to New York. It was too hot, there wasn’t anything to do but run around outside, and sadly the people were too friendly. I know the last part sounds strange, but partially growing up in New York molds you differently. It’s not like Augusta. I learned that the hard way. You can’t walk down the street here and smile and speak to people without having someone think you’re either insane or trying to con them out of their money. That’s why to this day, I appreciate and claim that I was raised in my small town, Augusta Georgia. It made me the person I am today.
I moved down to Augusta at the age of nine. Life as I knew it was pretty simple as far as I could tell. I took karate lessons, learned how to swim, and played many sports. It was the good life for me, but it wasn’t for my mother. She did her best to hide and protect me from certain things. I guess she figured that I was too young to know everything. We moved because the price of living in New York was too demanding and moving down south was cheaper and eventually will be better for us.
Well that wasn’t something I knew when we moved. From my perspective, everything was different. We went from having our own apartment in which I had my own room to my mother and I basically sleeping in one of our cousin’s living room. I slept on the floor, which wasn’t the best. I hated it. I hated everything. As a couple of weeks passed by, my mother and cousin got into a disagreement, and she basically kicked us out.
We spent the good part of a month or two jumping from hotel to hotel, until this nice lady from church decided to help us and take us in. During that time, everything was weird. And by weird I mean totally foreign for me. My mother walked me to school every morning, luckily the school wasn’t too far from the house. So the walk wasn’t that bad. Then after that, she’d pick me up, and we’d have to spend the rest of the night in church. That wasn’t something I was used to doing, spending basically every night or so in church. I was around eleven or twelve, I didn’t want to be there, but I figured that this nice lady was doing us a favor so the least we could do was do this for her, and who knows, maybe all this church stuff would actually work out. We were never heavy church goers before that, it seemed like the only time we seen the inside of a church was at a funeral.
All the praying we did, all the praying my mom did, we were hoping it would pay off for us. It wasn’t that bad now that I look back on it. It was definitely better than living in a hotel and having to hear the pain in my mother’s voice and see it on her face. Anything was better than that. At least now she had more faith and had good people around her to lift her spirts and just to let her know that everything would be alright.
As a couple of weeks passed by, my mom found a job working at this hotel bar. We moved in with another one of our cousins and finally everything seemed on the up and up. The apartment we all lived in wasn’t that much, as a matter of fact it was only a two bedroom and it was a total seven of us. We struggled, my cousin didn’t have a job and didn’t have a steady source of income and my mother was working extremely hard, trying to save enough for our own apartment plus give my cousin money from time to time. As bad as that might sound and as bad as I wanted to complain, I just couldn’t. I learned a lot during that time and got much closer to my family. I learned that it wasn’t just me struggling and having a bad time, it was all of us, including my family and most of the families in the project.
Everyone there basically lived off of government assistance and didn’t have a real source of income. Some nights we would go to sleep without eating anything, and when we did it was either ramen noodles or church’s chicken. As I look back on it now, I know it’s something that I will never forget. I remember this time when one of my cousins tried to make me cook hamburgers, be mindful that this was my first legit time cooking. I had no clue what to do. So being the inexperienced idiot I was, I grabbed a big butcher knife and tried to separate the frozen patties by sticking the knife through them. Turns out that doing that wasn’t the right move, the knife went through the frozen patties and halfway into the palm of my hand. All I can remember is seeing the blood on the counter and running around the house. Even though that memory was painful, it is something I will never forget.
My cousins are the family that I would literally do anything for. I would give my last dollar to them, without any hesitation or thought whatsoever. As a couple of months passed by, my mom and I handed on our feet and found our own place. Things were finally back to normal and slowly starting to get better and better. As I entered my seventh grade in middle school, we moved to the same project as my cousin and her family and everything equaled out for me and my mother.
My experience wasn’t always the best, but it’s my experience. I can say that I did these things and that I know about some stuff other people might not know about. Some people didn’t grow up in the ghetto. Some people will never know the effort of striving for something better for you and your family and struggling until you finally get what you want. Hopefully you get a peek into my world as I intended you to. I hope you gain some insight of what it’s like and understand a little better of those difficult challenges.

Textual Analysis Essay Draft #2

Aaron Gamble
English 1101
Textual Analysis Essay Draft #2

In William Shakespeare’s sonnet #30 “When to the sessions of sweet silent thought.” William paints a soft picture with his words, he goes on to detail a man sitting alone and reminiscing on his past, then transforms the reminiscing to regret. Regret for not completing projects and fulfilling desires he once had. William Shakespeare, a poet born in 1582 and died in 1616. William was an English poet, playwright, and actor. Some of his famous quotes are “We are such stuff as dreams are made on, and our little life, is rounded with a sleep.”, “Better three hours too soon than a minute too late.” and “We know what we are, but know not what we may be.” In one of his most popular sonnets and maybe the saddest, sonnet #30, Shakespeare writes in a voice of a man that has deep regrets and pain. The sonnet goes on and states the man’s pain that has formed over the passing years, the pain for the loved ones that he lost, the pain that he feels when he realizes that he wasted so much time and that he hasn’t completed anything that he once strived for.
Shakespeare writes from a place that everybody has, we all have those goals we set and want to complete. We don’t want to end up somewhere down the line, lost and incomplete because we haven’t completed any of the goals we set for ourselves. He appeals to the reader’s emotions; he makes us think about our goals. Rather they are goals about love, your career, or the most important goal, a goal of betterment of yourself. We read and feel the pain of another human being, sitting alone in silence, just thinking about their past. Feeling sad, and getting depressed about all the things that person doesn’t have. When you think about that, you think about how much time you have left on this earth, and how much time you wasted on things and people that wasn’t important to you. You realize that you let your life slip out of your hands, and the irony of that is when you finally stop and take a breath and look around. You look in the mirror and see this person you don’t even recognize. This person that has aged and aged over the years, that’s when the real pain sets in.
This sonnet has a perfect layer of pain, it’s like remembering the past is the blade, and realizing your failures and realizing all the time you’ve wasted is the first thrust of the blade into your heart. As you start to think deeper and deeper, the pain adds up. The second thrust is remembering all the loved ones you’ve lost, or even the special people you’ve held close to your heart that isn’t in your life anymore. We all know the pain of that, we all know what it’s like to lose someone you love, whether it’s to the Grim Reaper, or if it’s just by choice. That pain isn’t something we signed up for but it’s something that comes from being human, we don’t like it but it’s a part of life. It’s a part of living, we can lose a loved one at any time but knowing that doesn’t change that pain we feel. Knowing that doesn’t stop the tears from falling from our eyes.
But the third layer, the third layer is what takes the cake. The third and final thrust of that blade, which tops everything off. It hits that one spot, that spot that makes you relive every single thing. You recall the times where you cried yourself to sleep over the same things that pains you now, you think to yourself, “Haven’t I suffered enough? When is it going to end?” Those questions bounce throughout your mind as those tears trickle down your cheeks. All of a sudden you feel the blade retreat your heart, the pain easing up and the slow stream of tears slowing. As you relive your past, you remember that one person. Just the simplest thought of that person could end all your sorrows, and for a slight second you can get back everything you’ve once lost. The pain is no more.
In this poem hides a lot of self-reflection, it makes us think about the things that is paining this particular person. Whether Shakespeare meant for this or not, Sonnet #30 is one of my favorite sonnets to this day.

Free school summary

Aaron Gamble
English 1101
Free school summary

The essay “Free School.” By Dewitt Clinton is a great take on personal opinion, and whether people agree or disagree with what the author is trying to say. Basically the author believes and states throughout the piece that education for the world could bring the gap of separation of the different classes closer and closer together, because everyone would be properly educated based on the same requirements. Personally I agree with what the author says, he also listed different countries and explained their educational system, and what he mapped out actually made plenty of sense to me. All and all, the piece was pretty interesting and relatable, being that I am currently in the educational system as a college student.


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