The Hidden Battle: Eating Disorders in Teenage Girls

Afifa’s Eating disorder Tiktok

My audience is mostly activists who care about social change. The purpose of this TikTok was to spread awareness of eating disorders in teenage girls. There are so many misconceptions about eating disorders. I wanted to diminish the side of glorifying the disorder and talk about the negative effects of developing an eating disorder at such a young age. I never openly talked about my eating disorder to my friends or family members so I took this project as an opportunity to share how my experience was for me.  

Works Cited : 

Blum, L. W. (2017, July 18). Netflix “To the Bone” – triggering or inspiring? HuffPost.

Branley-Bell, D., Talbot, C. V., Downs, J., Bates, C. F., Green, J., McGilley, B., & Murphy-Morgan, C. (2023). It’s not all about control: challenging mainstream framing of eating disorders. Journal of Eating Disorders, 11(1).

“The kids are not OK.” Eating disorders among teens more severe than ever, new research shows. (2023, April 29). NBC News.