Artist’s Statement: “The Hidden Battle: Eating Disorders in Teenage Girls”

Deciding to choose the topic of eating disorders in teens was a hard choice for me because I had an eating disorder at a very young age. At an age where I should have been enjoying food, I was restricting and constantly worrying about my weight. The calorie counting, stepping on the scale multiple times a day, hating the reflection staring back at me, isolating from friends to avoid eating, and missing out on precious memories while being stuck in this eating disorder—all of these experiences were part of my daily life. As a former teenager, I know how difficult it can be to navigate the pressures and expectations imposed by societal standards on being thin. Through my work, I aim to bring awareness to the prevalence and impact of eating disorders among teenagers, highlighting the mental and emotional struggles that accompany these conditions, and the powerful influence of social media on these issues.

My purpose in composing this piece was to spread awareness of the often hidden and misunderstood aspects of eating disorders, particularly how societal standards and social media contribute to them. Social media platforms, especially TikTok and Twitter, often glorify unrealistic body ideals and promote harmful dieting trends, creating a toxic environment that can trigger and worsen eating disorders in teens. By sharing my own experiences and the stories of others, I hope to help people understand and feel empathy for those going through this. My audience is mostly activists who care about social change. Knowing this, I decided to present the material honestly, giving people an idea of what it is like in the mind of someone with an eating disorder, using personal stories and strong images to create an emotional impact and encourage people to think and take action.

I chose to make a TikTok video because it’s a popular platform among teens and can reach a lot of people quickly. TikTok’s format lets me use both visuals and sound to make the message strong and engaging. Through my voice and personal story, I wanted to capture viewers’ attention and show the emotional toll of eating disorders. Using hashtags, trends, and showing examples of glorifying eating disorders on TikTok helped spread the message even more.

Looking back at my project, I think using my own personal story and visual elements worked well to create an emotional and empathetic look at the struggles teens face with eating disorders. However, I know there are limitations. Personal stories are powerful but might not cover all the different experiences people have with eating disorders. In the future, I want to include more voices and perspectives to give a fuller picture. I also wish I had added more interactive elements to get the audience more involved and encourage them to join the conversation about eating disorders and societal standards.

Overall, this project has been an opportunity for me to reflect on my own experiences and to use my art to advocate for more awareness and understanding of eating disorders. By connecting with my audience on an emotional level and challenging societal norms, especially those spread by social media, I hope to contribute to a larger movement towards acceptance and support for people struggling with these conditions.

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