
Across the nation, the average cost of college textbooks has dramatically increased with full and part time college students’ spending on average close $900 a year. Statistically from 2003 to 2007, there has been a 19% increase in expenses (ERIC, 2008). Since 2002, textbooks prices have increased 82% according to the Government Accountability Office. Students’ generally worry about having the full college experience without having to dip too much into their pockets. How can we effectively help to reduce the cost while maintaining a proper education experience? There are a few solutions that can be agreed on to resolve this issue. Protests across the nation held, with the help of Student PIRGs, are independent student organizations that work on campus (Student PIRGs, 2013). Open courseware is a free educational resource that distributes a variety of educational resources especially college textbooks. Having an affordable educational college experience is not impossible.
Alongside student organizations, there are other ways to afford or access textbooks necessary for courses. Approximately 30 percent of students reduce spending by photocopying the textbook (Ryan, C. 2013. USA TODAY). While it’s even cheaper to borrow the text off the shelves of the Library Reserve; the time consumption from waiting on line to pick up and return the text, takes away from your study time. Another way to afford your textbooks and enjoy the college experience is by renting your textbook. Websites from companies such as CampusBookRentals, Chegg, Rafter, and Amazon offer the alternative to rent. Chegg also caters to students who are searching for scholarships and meeting University Admissions officers. The company has created websites dedicated to helping students with homework, and a website to view lecture hall notes. Rafter is another rental company that is mainly for the institutions of higher learning. However, they offer students the opportunity to match prices of textbooks, as well as renting. Senator Dick Durbin and Senator Al Franken filed a legislation to create a grant program that will allow “access and distribution of free online textbooks” (Ryan, C. 2013. USA TODAY). This makes text books more affordable by giving the students an easier way to find the text on the web. Rafter is another rental company, created mainly for the institutions of higher learning. However, they offer the students the opportunity to match prices of textbooks, as well as renting. So how do we get the message out to students that college textbooks are affordable and students can still enjoy their college experience? Our group chose to extend this information through the creations of a Zine.

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