My Philosophy of Nursing

Nursing is a valuable experience. Through the years, I learned that not everyone is fit for the “job”. Since I was younger, I had always wanted to be a nurse because I would be doing the thing I treasure most, helping others. Being enrolled in the baccalaureate program,I believe that nursing is more than a science. I have learned that there is  much more involved besides the clinical skills that I did my best to perfect in the Associates program.

In my opinion,  a nurse is a nurturer. Providing others with the care they deserve is a significant piece of my philosophy, which  I truly follow.I deeply believe in Karma, and what goes around comes around. I  grew up with the philosophy “treat others the way you would like to be treated”and I try to do just that whenever I am caring for others. This pass semester, my philosophy professor asked the class, “Does our existence truly matter, and if we didn’t exist would the world be any different?” At first I thought, no I suppose my existence wouldn’t significantly change, or make the world any better. As I reflected on that lecture, I concluded that although my existence would most likely not make the world any better or worse, for each person I compassionately cared for, in my heart I knew that in their lives I did make a difference. If I could say that I successfully accomplished that, I would truly be grateful.

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