Community Service

GNYDM 2016 “Bright Smiles, Bright Futures”

gnydm colgate smiles

During theĀ 2016 GNYDM,Ā  I participated in Colgate’s “Bright Smiles, Bright Future” program where many children from NYC public schools came to get a dental screening, learn about oral hygiene and how to eat a well-balanced diet. Showing children how to brush and encouraging them to continue doing what they learnedĀ at home, makes me feel like I can change the world a little bit at time.

Cooke Center Grammar School Presentation 2016

Cooke Grammar School StorybookIMG-20160317-WA0001

As part of our Public Health course and thanks to theĀ Cooke Center Grammar School, Ā we were able to present oral hygiene instructions to children with different developmental and intellectual disabilities. It was an absolute amazing experience to have made them smile and laugh with our child-friendly and “goofy” BUTĀ educationalĀ presentation! Aside from our presentation to the children, we were able to reach out to their parents by making pamphlets and including other educational information in the children’s’ take-home bags. At the end of our presentation, (imageĀ above), we created a “dental storybook” for the class to share based on research and thanks to our friends atĀ Specialized Care Co. by allowing us to use images from theirĀ D-Termined Program.

2016 Head Start Program

IMG-20160506-WA0057IMG-20160506-WA0082IMG-20160506-WA0086 headstartIMG-20160506-WA0078Ā At the 2016 Head Start Program, we were able to meet with a class of 14 children from the ages of 4 & 5 and do a small presentation on brushing teeth and healthy dietary habits. After, a dental screening was completed and report cards were sent home to tell parents about whether or not further care was needed. The children even received a fluoride varnish application!