Case Studies

On this page you will find different case studies I have come across during clinic…

Case # 1

Case Study1 part a

This patient was a 40 year old woman with dental anxiety and a series of medical conditions.  She is a nonsmoker and nondrinker, however, patient had not had a cleaning in approximately 8 years . Patient described her traumatic dental experiences as an adolescent that led her to remove the orthodontic braces she had at the time, by herself. The above image was AFTER 4 quadrant scaling and root planning with local anesthesia. Below, you can see some differences in pocket depths, including pocket reduction  in areas where Arestin was placed. Arestin was placed on teeth #’s: 3-ML, 3-DL, 4-DL, 11-MB, 13-MB, 14-MB,14-DB, and 14-ML. The patient came back after 6 weeks following the initial treatment and resumed scaling again. (see periodontal charting below). Despite her previous traumatic experiences, patient was extremely happy with the results and patience we had with her. She is now on a 3 month recall.

a.w. perio before and after eportfolio 

Case # 2t.k.before and after eportfolio

The patient in this second case is a 32 year old woman who has also not been to the dentist in about 7 years. Although a “milder” case, patient had generalized moderate inflammation with rolled margins and bulbous interdental papillae. The change in the interdental papillae before and after treatment can be seen in the above image depicting the linguals of the mandibular anterior teeth. Changes can also be seen in the rolled gingival margins of tooth # 8 versus tooth #9, including the facials of the mandibular anterior teeth.  After four quadrant therapy with the use of local anesthesia (patient reported pain & sensitivity), and ultrasonic & hand scaling, patient was happy with results and was even more compliant with home care recommendations! This patient is also on a 3 month recall.

Case # 3

pedo case study3

One of the best experiences during the program, in my opinion, was working with my pediatric patients. As part of our training, behavior management, knowledge of pediatric dentistry and developmental disorders, all became interconnected. Working quickly and being able to offer quality oral care and oral hygiene instructions based on each individual child’s needs was of utmost importance!