Author Archives: Muhammad

About Muhammad

Graphic Design Student

Final Project

Unfortunately, I couldnt get any models for my first idea so I switched to product photography. Ive chosen this because when i look for photography jobs, I notice that product photography, especially of jewelry is high demand now. I want to shoot still life and maybe portraits as well.

Final Project

My final project is going to show the inequality of how young people of color get treated when it comes to weed. I want to show how black men get jailed when white people get millions of dollars. I think I will shoot on a dark background or neutral grey background to show that it is a serious topic. I was thinking to show two men in with their fists put together and the black man is in handcuffs and the white man has money in their fists. The type will say how they were both caught with weed. One was sent to jail for years and the other one is sent to the bank.


The first article on “Why Optimists Are Happier, Healthier & Wealthier!” talks about how anyone can be optimistic and why everyone should try to see things in a more optimistic viewpoint. It then shows how people can give theirselves a happier perspective. The audience are pessimistic.

The second article ” A Healthy Outlook” continues why people should have a mort positive outlook on life as it effects their health. The audience are pessimistic.



The two poems are about cars but are metaphors on different things. she Being a brand by e.e. cummings is about sex and the other poem, Coming Home, Detroit, 1968 by Phillip Levine is about his city Detroit.

e.e. cummings talks about his car and personafies it by sayings things like “her” and saying things in relation to car parts and body parts of the woman.

Phillip driving through his town and the poem represents the destruction of his town because of the riots.

I will light a car for e.e. cummings poem representing love or a relationship by giving cars personality. I used heart cut outs as props for love and bright colors like red and blue to suggest that the cars are a guy and a gal.

Phillip Levine’s poem has a more dark tone to it so I built broken homes for props and shot through the window of his car because he looks through the the window of his car out to his town.

Social Media

The two articles on social media are almost polar opposites of each other. The first article mentions how social media can be an addiction. It shows based on research on how people’s brains work as to why social media is addicting. A study used data from a site called, which encourages people to stop using Facebook for 99 days. The site and study are interesting because they revealed the difficulty people have quitting Facebook because of addiction.

Social media is addicting in various ways. The addictive aspect of social networking is associated with FOMO — fear of missing out. Everyone is on Facebook. They’re posting things, sharing news and content and talking to each other 24/7. The network effect itself is addicting, A network effect is the idea that any network becomes more valuable as more people connect to that network. The apps themselves are also designed to be addictive as well.

At the other end of the spectrum, social media can be seen as a powerful tool to do good in the world. Users can make sure there is awareness brought to important subjects much faster than conventional methods. Due to social media’s social network aspect there’s more people engaging on topics with hashtags and sharing.

Gabriel and I have a few ideas to convey socially aware concepts of addiction mixed with social media to subtly get the point across. we’ve agreed to communicate further to narrow down some ideas during the week.

Headphone PSA

The New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, have determined that listening to loud music through headphones is a serious health issue. They are worried about the long term effects that it will have on the NYC population before they realize its too late. In order to inform the NYC citizens of the potential danger, the Dept, held an ad campaign that appeared in New York City subway cars, on local radio stations, and on the Internet reminding people to turn down the volume on their headphones and earbuds. Even though research on this issue is new NYC is committed to make sure the public knows about the dangerous affects of listening to loud music through headphones.

The article has a problem in communicating to its Target Audience. Its TA are young adults who listen to music heavily especially during commuting. While the placement of the ads are well thought out the PSA can be communicated in a way it has a heavier impact on the audience.

Sketch for the photoshoot:

Joseph brought his Seinheiser headphones.

Health Care

Photography for health care is focused on tight portraits of people. The lighting is mostly on the front face of the subjects. Due to the lighting, the message from the photos is to show viewers that the subjects are happy with the service. For the CoverNY I would use either clam lighting or butterfly lighting, with composition being from the top of the head to the shoulders shooting straight on to the subjects face.

The article “The High Cost of Poor Health Care” is a satire article on how Americans need to take care of themselves better health wise because the health care system in America is horrible compared to other countries. It tells Americans that the excuses that Americans use as a reason to stay health such as “Eating Healthy is Expensive,” “I Don’t Have Time To Exercise,” “An Ounce of Prevention.” The titles poke fun at these excuses by proving the excuses are not valid. By making sure people take care of themselves, Americans can avoid the expensive useless health care program.

Utility U vs Utopia U

In Utility U, the student has more restrictions on what to learn in order to gain the upper hand in the job market. In Utopia U, the student has more freedom on what they want to learn but by doing so might learn something they might not be able to get a career in.