Poems/ Toy Car Reflective Blog

For the toy car shoot we were told we had to find a specific toy car from the time era of the two poems we had previously read. The time period was 1968 and 1930. That alone was a challenge for me because I didn’t own any toy cars or even known anyone who does. I searched in multiple stores and I couldn’t find that specific time framed car. By the time I had amazon in mind it wouldn’t have delivered in time. So on to the next best thing, an updated car from that era.
To my surprise many students didn’t come with toy cars, I’m guessing it was difficult for them to find one too. I had brought in one car that was a bit bigger in size then the others but it was all I can find along with some props such as different flowers. Thankfully we had a classmate that came in with about ten different small cars from those eras and he shared it with the rest of the class. Turns out I didn’t need to use my bigger car just the props. Overall the photo session was fun and we got to work with different effects of the photos using the black plexi glass. By taking the photos at eye level I got to get the reflection of the car in the photo as well. The key light was placed above.

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