911 Reflective Blog

For the 911 shoot we actually went on a class trip to visit the Oculus and the world trade center. Since the 911 incident I have never been down there or the area. I felt very curious to see the changes to the area and how they turned such a negative area into something that can feel positive. The Oculus was our first stop and it was absolutely beautiful. The architecture of the high open walls as well as ceilings felt airy and positive. At the very top of the Oculus you can see the one world trade center peeking through the glass.
The class separated to take photos and so did I.
While taking photos I realized how beautiful each one came out because of the perfect lighting from the white walls and glass ceiling. There was so much to take photos of because of how big the area was.
The second stop was the one World Trade Center. The trees surrounding the waterfall where the twin tower use to stand were so green beautiful. But what really kept my attention was the soothing sound of the after from the waterfall. Also the names engraved in the stone surround the exact location of the fallen tower.
It was a very emotional day for many because of the memories there. Although the area looked beautiful, I faced the challenge of taking photos and feeling intrusive. Many were mourning loss ones and every time I felt like taking a photo I wanted I would pull myself back because I didn’t want to disrespect anyone. I did get the chance to take about 5-10 good ones.
We also took photos of school areas not to far from the trade center. Although I got some good photos of the kids and families, I faced a big problem. Every time I would take a photo of a child or it’s family the adults would look very uncomfortable and that’s understandable. I didn’t want anyone to feel stalked so I had to take them off guard which was hard because by the time I felt I had a good shot they would cross the street or walk into a high traffic area. Overall I enjoyed the trip and taking photos along my class.

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