Headphones and Hearing Loss Reflective Blog

One of my group members brought in a pair of headphones that were unique.  It was from a brand I’ve never heard of before – Sennheiser.  Apparently, they were very expensive.  Everyone else from class either brought Apple headphones or Beats.  We wanted to imitate the look and feel of the current ads they have out now.  I’m not sure if we were successful in that regard.  I saw a couple of their ads looked like they had a lot of retouching done and I’m not well versed in Photoshop.  I brought fairy lights with me to try and get the same look that were portrayed in the advertisements.

The hearing loss was fun to shoot.  We were trying to think of creative ways to express pain felt when listening to music too loud.  I felt like were limited in terms of facial expressions, so our group was experimenting with the positioning of the person in frame – profile, front, etc. Like I’ve expressed earlier, I’m not a Photoshop guru so I try to do as much as possible in the studio.

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