Prescription Drugs Reflective Blog

Not knowing who was going to be in my group prior to the shoot, I wasn’t sure what kind of pills I would have available to work with.  I did not have very many at home myself, but I brought what I had in. Also, one of my group members brought in an assortment of pills and there some available when we got to class.

I think this assignment was probably the most difficult in terms of controlling the lighting.  A tiny move could alter the whole photograph.  I didn’t realize it until later but there was a reflection on some of the opaque pills in my photographs.  I felt the orange medication bottles were easier to photograph versus the pills.

When looking through my photographs, I felt the pictures could represent both articles so that made it more difficult to choose which photos to present in class.  Some of my photos, while nice, did not even represent the articles at all. So, while this assignment had the most difficult lighting setup for me, it was also the hardest to convey the message either way.

I’m glad I was challenged in this aspect.  I realized that oftentimes in the photography/advertising world, there are situations where it won’t be easy to get the message across so I felt like I was being prepared for a real-world experience.

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