Poems with Toy Cars Reflective Blog

Unfortunately, I was not in class for this shoot because I wasn’t feeling well.  Of course, when doing any of the shoots outside of the photo studio, they are more difficult and challenging to complete.  I only completed the “Coming Home, Detroit, 1968” because I didn’t feel the car I used for that shoot could work for the other poem.  I should have just completed the other shoot because I saw several people in class used the same car for both poems. I did not have plexiglass at home so I was unable to create reflections with the car.  I know my photos would have turned out better if I was able to do so.

I placed my car on my ironing board, used a bunch of gray packaging material in the background and used a vape pen to create a smoke effect.  I struggled with getting close to the car because I don’t have the proper lenses or an extension tube at home.

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