Potato Shoot Reflective Blog

The potato shoot was a fun shoot because I never really shoot photos of any vegetables or fruits. We were put in a team and given about 4 potatoes to work with. The assignment was to make the potatoes relate to the article and how they are some how under human control. That was a bit of a challenge because we could only work with the potatoes. We placed it in various positions, highlighted its imperfections, stayed water on it, and rub the dirt off it to reflect on the plexiglass. We use the plexiglass and dark background with a spotlight on the potato. The spotlight helps the viewer focus on what’s important which is the potato as well as the dark background to give a serious tone. The plexiglass also helped to show the details of the potato.
Another challenge was trying to keep the potatoes in a certain position with it falling or staying long enough for a photo.

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