Monthly Archives: September 2017

The High Cost of Poor Health Care

We have read this article in class, before I start to read it, I was assuming this is going to talk about the real problem of the health Care company. The fact is that this article is talking about bad of American’s life style that lead them become sick, and its painful that medical insuren doesn’t do them their job.

The High Cost of Poor Health Care

The article The High Cost of Poor Health Care is very informative but is also very opinionated. In the article you read about how costly health insurance is in the US and it explains how poor health care is extremely hurtful and expensive for yourself. I believe the article can do some good and may reach some sort of audience but I think it needs to be reworded. The article author is opinionated and almost forceful as if telling us what to do rather than explaining to us how to go about doing things in a better, healthier way.

For next weeks shoot I would like to shoot someone close up looking sad or worried with the lighting some what dark and gloomy. I feel like this will go well with the articles emotion toward poor health care.

Utility U and Utopia U

Utility U is more concerned with money, opportunity and job. If they can get a good job after they spend plenty of money on the college. More likely it has been measure in terms of dollars.

Utopia U is about inner growing of a person. College is a place to gain knowledge, expand one’s mind, learn new things and find one’s self. It could strengthen one’s soul to find out the happiness of life.

Utopia U VS Utility U.

According to the article “What is the point of college?” by Kwame Anthony Appiah, there is a clear difference between “Utopia U” and “Utility U”. Beginning with the meaning of UTOPIA, which means: a place of ideal perfection especially in laws, government, and social conditions. Therefore, UTILITY U emphasizes in the oppression and stress in the world in which we live today, in Utility U you have no freedom, however in UTOPIA U people have free thoughts and the ability to feel and express whatever they want.

Bringing this issue to the creative world, the main concern is to EXPRESS the difference between these two “words” UTILITY U, and UTOPIA U, but in the world of Visual Communication, which means: GRAPHICALLY.
There are many ways to express both elements, but we have to think critically, in order to let the picture “showing” by itself.
Everyday we see UTILITY U in the street, in college, and even at home.

Individuals think nowadays that they need FREEDOM, welcome to UTOPIA U, where everybody think all is perfect. In the meantime, nobody wants to deal with UTLITY U, which is synonymous of DIFFICULTY, EXPRESSION, DESOLATION, and HOPELESSNESS.

Cesar Infante.