Value vs Values

Value vs Values

Appiah argues, in his essay What is the Point of College?, that: “as higher education expands its reach, it’s increasingly hard to say what college is like and what college is for.” This argument resumes his theory of two distinct visions of higher education: Utility U and Utopia U. He states that the Utility U is more about how this investment will return benefits.

On the other hand, Appiah cited John Stuart Mill as he uses the phrase “experiments in living” referring to college and education as a tool for students to prepare and live a free life as men and women. Appiah states that this concept refers to students, that are in college, are not there to create money machines after graduation, but to add values to guide them and to get the knowledge that lead them to think critically.

Using these two concepts: Utility U and Utopia U, we created two images to represent Appiah philosophy. Based in the magnificent work by photographer Dawoud Bey and his project Class Pictures: The Process, in which he took a series of pictures of high school students in their classroom using minimum equipment and relaying in natural light to create unique portraits that reflect what each student expects from life and education, as well as, their attitude toward life at such challenging age.

To recreate the Utility U concept, I took a picture of a student in a classroom. She is concentrated in looking at her cellphone. Technology is the new way to conquer the American Dream and Utility U concept support that point of view. The subject in the picture is at the end of a long gray table in and monochromatic and cold environment. A darker grey wall in the background and the crowded of the room with many comfortable chairs and a long table where we see computer mice and keyboards, complete the senses of being trap, creating a sense of isolation.

Contrary, the pictures that depicts the concept of Utopia U is more about freedom and hope. The same student ready to ride her bike looks back, a farewell gesture of what makes her unhappy. Despite the fact that she is in a big city, the openness of her gesture and the open space that surrounds her contrast dramatically with what Utility U picture represents.

I used the concept of Lens-Based Artist which refers to the manipulation of media through software to stylize the picture and reinforce the concept. I eliminate all the distracting objects that I consider will interfere in the delivery of the message and idea. I saw these tools as an artistic movement to improve the quality of the idea and concept.

Gabriel Flores

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