A City Tech OpenLab ePortfolio

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Journal #6

My performance on the job is adequate. I am continually working on the rest of my assignment that’s been assigned to me. At the same time, I am challenging myself to draw more complex things, receiving and giving constructive criticism to other artists.  I can’t really complain much because I’m still new to working at an animation studio and gaining experience on how the process works. I am enjoying every minute of it. 

By the way I asked Mr. Adams how many hours I have worked so far and right now it is 83.73. I’m close to 120 hours! I will probably be done before Thanksgiving! As far as mentoring goes, the one who has been a mentor for me during the internship so far is Brian aka “Shadow CCO” on Discord. He has been giving me constructive feedback on my artwork and I do my best to make sure it fits Mr. Adams standards.

Journal #5

The collaborative project that I’ve been currently working on during the internship is called “Beta Crystals”. Based on the pitch bible the story is as follows:  

“Pre-Story: The android warlord Console has for the past 30 years been on a mission to cocoon the galaxy. As an android Console has concluded that organic beings are incapable of achieving peace due the generational shift that over time results in wars over the same matters.
Console has taken it upon himself to bring about Galactic peace by concurring it and ruling as an immortal Emperor. The first story that Console concurred was planet Beta. After conjuring a planet Console institutes a monarchy in which he places a single individual whom he feels he can control, in charge of the planet. This individual is then forced to work and report directly to Console and run the planet as Console dictates. 

If a ruler can keep the kind of peace Console demands he allows them to rule as they see fit. Over the 30 years since concurring Beta Console has successfully captured over a dozen planets under his control.  

14 years ago. Klem the ‘Queen’ of planet Beta happened upon a pair of pods that crashed near her. Inside the pods were two babies. Xandr and Kayi. Discovering the two had the potential for great power Klem adopted them and raised them. Training them to harness their powers and explaining the war that had been going on throughout the universe. Raising them to hopefully one day be able to fight and to fight and defeat Console and free the Galaxy”. 

I’ve been working with 28 people on this project, and I communicated formally with them. What was successful is that I managed to get the exterior for one of the locations completed. What wasn’t successful is that one of the interiors was rejected because it wasn’t required for the project. However, they explained that my rejected drawing might come in handy for something else in the future.


Rejected drawing on Tex’s Kitchen:

Journal Entry #4

I have made changes to my drawing based on the feedback I received, and Tyler and the other artists take an enjoyment of it. I feel so proud of myself since I challenged myself to draw something I never had before. I had a hard time drawing a dragon, so I looked up references and my drawing for Tex’s the Dragon’s home came out great! I don’t perform clerical duties since the internship is online on Discord. My typical day on the internship is when I privately message Tyler on Discord letting him know that I’m clocking in, and he gives the thumbs up.

Dragon Place (Exterior) (Final Version)

Afterwards, I show my progress and the team members and Tyler give feedback based on how well I did my drawings and tell me what they like and/or don’t like. I tend to give feedback to other team members as well and they appreciate it. Again, because the internship is remote, I don’t have to dress up formally. Anyone could wear whatever. We could take as many breaks as we wanted and eat our lunch while doing something else.

The main office hours are from 9am – 6pm Monday through Friday and we are pleased to work and post past these hours, including weekends. I mostly try to work 10 – 12 hours a day. Sometimes I work less depending on how much time I have. Once I’ve done enough work on Dream Arc, I tell Tyler that I’m clocking out and he documents it. Ever since I joined, I am still learning how to gain and give others feedback on work but also networking because I feel like making connections with the members on Dream Arc would help me in my career on making my own animated television series one day.  

Second draft of Planet Irus.

Journal Entry #3

The culture of the workplace at Dream Arc is very diverse. There are all walks of life working on different things and we all get along just fine. I have started to produce an illustration draft for my assignment and have received constructive feedback on them. One drawing I did was of Tex’s the Dragon’s home exterior and Tyler explained to me that he didn’t like the dragon head smiling and wanted it to be more menacing. The other artists agreed and felt that the dragon head should have no pupils and the mouth should be opened to represent a balcony. I will apply the feedback onto my illustrations to make them better.

This is the second draft of Tex the Dragon from Beta Crystals.

Journal Entry #2

I kept checking LinkedIn for new job postings morning, noon and night over my summer vacation. I eventually found a job opening from Dream Arc Company when they were offering internships for Visual Development Artists with little experience. I applied for it on July 11th. When I woke up one morning on July 28th, 2022, I received a message from CEO and founder of Dream Arc, Tyler Adams via LinkedIn.

First draft of Planet Irus. Exterior illustration.

I had a brief interview with Tyler via LinkedIn messenger. The questions he asked me were, “Are you alright with me having you as a Concept Artist?” and some additional questions I had in terms of schedule. Once the interview was finished Tyler sent me a Discord link to the Dream Arc Company’s group server. Tyler sent me a pitch bible outline of the series that I would be working on called “Beta Crystals” to read. After I finished reading it Tyler gave me my first assignment which was to design the home exterior and interior for a dragon character named “Tex”. He then told me to be sure to ask for feedback and give other artists feedback for guidance.  

Tex the Dragon (First Draft)
Tex the Dragon’s clothing.

Journal Entry #1

DreamArc Company’s logo

The company that I’m working for this semester is called the “Dream Arc Company”.  It’s a small public company that provides the chance to those with little experience in the animation and post-production industry that other minor or major companies don’t give. Over 51 – 200 employees work there. They also help everyone around the world by giving donations to programs etc. The Dream Arc Company is in Orlando, Florida. I have yet to come across customers/clients while working there. The area I work in is the concept art for Visual Development artists for this new web-series called “Beta Crystals”. Unfortunately, there are no news articles about Dream Arc at the moment. 

Draft of Beta Crystals logo.
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