Evaluation of Research Report

Submitted Work

Student ID Student Name Text File Matching SA Report Date Submitted
Ammiel Callum 53% Wed, Nov 05, 2014, 04:59 PM
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5.0 5.0 0.0
Instructor’s Feedback

Comments Currently Attached File

Your research report is well done. I can see that you are on your way to producing a great paper (that I look forward to reading). This is certainly an important topic. I think that starting with general descriptions and then moving to this study of ED nurses makes sense. You might throw in something about statistics on violence toward all types of nurses. Keeping the focus on ED nurses is good so your paper will be more focused.
I have some comments that I think will be helpful for your paper:
1. You should add who the nurses surveyed were. I suspect they were members of the ENA?
2. Check APA format for citing references in the text, it is different for a reference citation (author, year) than for a direct quote (page needed also).
3. Spell out ED the first time you use it
4. CDC reference – capitalize Occupational and check APA for using retrieved from rather than available.
Let me know via email or during office hours in person if you have any questions about this
Great job,
Candy Dato

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