
Use this page to list your favorite courses and give a brief overview.

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  • eng 1101 – Maria  Cipriani. the reason why i love this class is because not only do i get to express my emotions by typing but i get graded for it. this class really was relaxing as i just typed away as time flew by. however even though I felt a bit behind in the class the professor is what makes this class great. this professor helped me get my grade back up by assisting me though emails and giving me more time to complete the work which truly shows the beauty in her class.
  • Emt 1130- Cindy Rodrigo. the reason why i love this class as well is because it is the most interesting part of my major. i get to do a bunch or wiring and soldering and even though I’ve burned myself plenty of times i still enjoy the class. Also, another reason why is because the teacher is a genius, she knows the whole project like the back of her hand, and it is really impressive.