
when it comes down to career goals and achievements I have so many of them but i promised myself to fulfill all of them.

  • the first goal I have is to start my project car and bring it on to YouTube. at first I just wanted to build the car until I thought to myself, this would be good content to post. the car community is really big and what I love about it is that everyone had their own opinion and car. i haven always been the type to buy a car and build it for its aesthetic and performance to catch people in their newer and “faster” cars.
  • the second goal I want is I want to be remembered, I don’t want to just be successful and pass away no. I wants my name to live on, I want to be known for many years after my death as I believe it’s the only way to go out.
  • Finally, my third goal is to have my children take off the dreams I could never live. the reason why I say this is because there is a lot of dreams, I couldn’t live due to the lack of opportunity I had. I promised i would give them as much opportunity as they need to achieve their dreams as its one of mine.