Throughout my time working with my client, I have received much positive feedback over my work. I try to keep a stream of regular updates with my client through Slack. Sometimes though it is hard to get a proper hold of my client through just slack if I need to ask for the next assignment, so I have had to contact them through other means such as email or phone call. Where I think I could have done better earlier on was asking for proper clarification over the specifics over the assignments I was being given. It thankfully did not end up getting in the way, but because I asked for clarification on the deliverables for the first assignment, it made producing all of the deliverables for future assignments much simpler.
My work earlier on was a lot less refined than I would have liked it to be, mostly because the first piece I was creating was a more daunting one that involved needing to draw 7 highly detailed characters in one piece. These types of group shots were more outside of my comfort zone, especially with all of the details I had to draw for each individual character. I feel like the ones with designs that were more what I was used to drawing turned out in a higher quality than the others. However, thankfully, my client seemed to like the piece, as well as the future ones I made. Since they gave me full creative control, it makes sense that criticism would be minimal. There are points I do wish I was given more in-depth comments, but overall I am mostly just glad that the work is being well-received and accepted.
As I went on with the work, I also upped the quality of it. This is in part because I was now being made to create work that was much more in my comfort zone as an illustrator, but I also wanted to try more with the colors, especially now that I was being given assignments to design backgrounds. I felt that if I was now designing backgrounds alongside the characters, that I would have to improve the coloring on the characters to make sure it all worked together. I would do a lot more with lighting and more experimental coloration to suit the environment that the subject was placed in. I felt like this time I was really bringing life to these recreations of the cosplayers. My goal with the art throughout this internship has been to emulate in my own unique way one would imagine these cosplayers as real characters in a fictional setting.