My name is Asma Aitbella, my clinical experience took place in Our Lady of Refuge Church in East Flatbush. The leading causes of death and disability among these population are Hypertension and stroke.  Our goal during this semester was to screen blood pressure and identify patient at risk. Moreover, we worked to enhance the knowledge of members of the community regarding the importance of screening blood pressure and medication compliance. Also we educated clients about health care resources available for them to address their concerns.

Objective 1: Demonstrates individual professionalism through personal behaviors and appearance.

Professionalism plays a crucial role in creating a positive image in the health care world. This objective was met through reliability and the possession of a good attendance records. I found out that the best way to achieve the patient confidentiality was encouraging one to one dialog with my client. The client personal information as well as the results of blood pressure were kept confidential. In addition to that, I always prepared ahead of time for every clinical session and participated in each pre and post conference by asking questions, be open, accepting feedback and showing enthusiasm. Moreover, I always dressed up professionally as well as doing my homework on time.

Objective 2: Employ analytical reasoning and critical thinking skills when providing care to individuals and family in the community setting.

This goal was met through the collaboration with my instructor and other health care professionals. I developed a therapeutic relationship with my client to promote the interview and facilitate the information flow.  In collaboration with the client, I identified appropriate health teaching strategies that would enhance the client’s learning. I assessed the impact of the client spirituality and culture believes on how they responded to care. I developed a plan to incorporate critical thinking and problem-solving skills into all aspects of care. I also advocated for clients’ rights, encouraged clients to draw upon their strengths and identified appropriate resources within the community. A complete physical assessment could not be done due to the casual nature of a community based setting and medications were not administered as well.

Objective 3: Effectively communicate with diverse groups and disciplines using variety of strategies regarding the health needs of individuals and families in the community setting.

The therapeutic nurse-client relationship is very important in developing a trusting relationship with the client and family. The first process was to establish a good relationship with my clients based on confidentiality and trust. My relationship focus was on client’s ideas, experiences, and feelings. I tried to identify areas that needed exploration and I periodically evaluated the degree of the client readiness for change. On the other hand,  most of my client  primarily language was not  English so I tried to  speak clearly and slowly with them that way they could  understand easily what I was trying to tell them.

Objective 4: Establish environment conducive to learning and use a plan for learners based on evidence-based practice.

    Assessment, screening and teaching were done in a quit and less distracting environment for the purpose of creating an effective learning atmosphere. Based on the assessment of the patients’ needs I formulated a diagnosis and treatment plan that should be tailored to the patient’s needs and educational level. Also I evaluated client learning outcomes to make sure that teaching was effective. I observed return demonstrations to see whether the patient had learned the necessary skills for a task, asked the patient to restate instructions in his or her own words, and whether there were areas that need reinforcing or re-teaching.

Objective 5:  Utilize informational technology when managing individual and families in the community.

This objective was met trough the utilization of information and communication technologies. Nursing journals and evidence based researches were utilized to support safe patient centered care. Also I developed and followed procedures that ensure the confidentiality and security of my client information.

Objective 6: Demonstrate a commitment to professional development.

This objective was achieved by searching and utilizing proven evidence based practice for delivering quality health care to my client. I tried to utilize these evidences throughout the course of my clinical assessment and planning. On the other hand, I engaged in a self evaluation  by asking myself was I  better suited to be a professional community health nurse, and I thought  I was because I demonstrated responsibility, respect for cultural sensitivities and knowledge of resources.

Objective 7: Incorporate professional nursing standards and accountability into practice.

This objective was met by following American Nurses Association scope and standards of practice resources. To carry out my nursing responsibilities while providing quality care and meeting my clinical objective. Also I provided care in accordance with my clinical site policies and protocols.

Objective 8: Collaborate with clients, significant support persons and members of the health care team.

This goal was accomplished by working as a team with other nurses as well as with our instructor for the purpose of improving patient quality of care. For us to be successful as a group, we tended to help each other, practice successfully and provided the best care. Due to the fact that most of the client were immigrants I coordinated the care based on client needs and I identified resources available for this population to help them access health care services.

Objective 9: Recognize the impact of economic, political, social and demographic forces that affect the delivery of health care services.

This goal was accomplished by assisting undocumented immigrants to get access to health care. Undocumented immigrants are less likely than U.S. citizens and legal immigrants to have private health insurance. They are ineligible for Medicare and their access to Medicaid is usually restricted. Their access to health care is effected by factors ranging from lack of resources and information about their rights to health care access, to language barriers and fear of deportation. So my goal was to educate them about the resources available for them and refer them to other agencies to help them get information needed to improve their health quality.

I think that my overall experience was very exiting experience. All the goals and objectives were met to the best of my ability. I was successful to build a trusting relationship with my clients and provide the assessments and the education needed to improve my client quality care.

My philosophy about nursing

“Caring is the essence of nursing” – Jean Watson

Nurses play an integral role in the healthcare industry, providing care to patients and filling leadership roles at hospitals, health systems and other organizations. Nursing is a noble career option. It’s a career that allows me to help save people’s lives, bring cheer, and comfort to those in need. The nursing career is very gratifying and rewarding in terms of the joys it brings. The warm feeling of helping others out, giving back to the community, and influencing the success of nationwide healthcare makes nursing an intrinsically rewarding career field to pursue. Nurses play an integral role in the healthcare industry, providing care to patients and filling leadership roles at hospitals, health systems and other organizations.

Learning Self-Analysis

My  learning and growth related to the educational process of the Baccalaureate degree in Nursing was a very successful learning. As a BSN holder, I  have learned much more communication, critical thinking and leadership skills. These are essential skills if I want to move into higher paying jobs with more responsibility. During my educational process at New York City college of technology I learned whole lot more than just clinical skills. I developed skills in critical thinking, leadership, case management, and health promotion, and I advanced my ability to practice across a variety of inpatient and outpatient settings.  Also good nursing communication and interpersonal skills were developed through the higher education earned with a BSN, and this skill is crucial to professional nurses. The communication skills taught at this level also contribute to making great leaders of BSN-educated nurses. Moreover, One of the best parts of RN-BSN program is the online education  that enabled me to keep my current job and be more present for my family and friends.

Individual strengths

First and foremost, to be a truly successful nurse, it is highly essential that you possess both communication and people skills. For me this skill is so important and it is one of my strength. While working as a nurse, I will be interacting with many different types of patients. Because of this, I  need to be able to speak to them effectively as well as understand what they communicate to me. One of my strength that is necessary for success in the nursing profession is possessing empathy and compassion for others. No matter where you may choose to work as a nurse, you will encounter patients experiencing a wide range of physical or psychological issues. Because of this, I  will need to interact with patients who may display a variety of emotions including fear, anxiety, depression, resentment and anger. To interact with them effectively and help them cope, I need to show them my care, try to understand them and help them to cope with their concerns. Also,  I’m honest and trustworthy , the most valuable nursing professionals in any medical facility today. In addition to those described above,  I do possess  another strengths such  as critical thinking, good attention to detail and a strong desire to learn.