ARTH 1204| 20th Century Dress and Culture

Course Description: This course is a survey of fashion history, from the end of the 19th century to the present. We studied the effect of a historical period on the clothing of the time through analysis of its economics, politics, religion and culture. Issues affecting the industry will be explored through readings, videos, discussions and we also connected with guest speakers who work in the local fashion industry.

In this course, we closely examined the ways in which style and construction of fashionable dress are situated within, and influenced by, a historical and cultural context. Understood the dynamic relationships between fashion and culture is integral to a full knowledge of twentieth century history and can lay the groundwork for how fashionable dress may continue to be developed in the twenty-first century.

Students were introduced to analytic techniques that evaluate how culture, economics, politics, and technologies influenced fashion designs and dress practices. This course also introduced important terminology integral to the fashion industry, and required to discuss all facets of its history.
Using clothing, or garments represented in photographs and film, each student will trace how historical, cultural, technological and social factors influenced the development of particular styles.

Click here to view the Final Assignment.

Additional course assignments available upon request.