Fruitful functions

In this lab we had to create function that would test Fermat’s Last Theorem. The first part was easy for me because of all the practice I got from Code Academy. But I had trouble writing the code for the second part, where you had to let the user pick their numbers using the raw inputs. I was able to understand it after getting help from the professor and classmates.

fruitful functions code Frutiful functions result

Turtle Blast

In this lab we used the Turtle module and Random module to create a turtle blast on Python Turtle Graphics. At first I had no idea how to start the code. But after asking my other classmates I quickly understood how to write the code.

turtleblast code Turtleblast graphic

Tip Calculator Tutorial Lab

Tip Calculator is a 5-step Python Syntax tutorial on It teaches you how to create a calculator that calculates the total cost of a meal after tax and tip. The tutorial that I took before this one made this tutorial easier for me. The step by step procedure also helps you out with each task that is given.

Tip calculator 1Tip calculator 2Tip calculator 3Tip calculator 4Tip calculator 5

These pictures are a screenshot of each step in the Tip Calculator tutorial




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