Author Archives: M@rkoz

Hip-Hop and Street Art


One of the biggest collaboration in the history of arts and entertainment business,  recognized worldwide. Hip-hop and street art, two strong and vast movements that have been walking tall, shoulder to shoulder, punching through walls to make their own path into society.

Their relation dates from back in the 70’s. Two strong movements  that went through tought beginnings and faced repression and discrimination, being seen for society as a bad influence for their young. However both movement went against all odds, punched  through social walls that pretended to hold them back, and had earned a well deserved spot and society. In the case of Hip-Hop becoming one of the most influencial  and successful genre in the music industry. And in the case of  urban art, its community keeps growing, with more fans and massive creative, and talented artists.

This was intended as a guest post by Marcos, for more info please visit my blog site at