STEM Page 5


Our research project falls in the category of environmental sciences with specific focus on  ambient air pollution. Air pollution impact both the health and economy of a Nation. For that raison, globally, genuine efforts are  being made to limit or contain its negative effect. We investigated the effect  a 2020 summer heatwave had on the two majors ambient air pollutants under federal mandate of monitoring:  ground ozone and fine particulate matters. To quantify the pollutants variation, we analyze the dataset from the NYSDEC NYC and Long Island region air quality monitoring sites for a total of  ten (10) consecutive days (240 hours) which included five (5) consecutive days (120 hours) of heatwave (Temp>= 90˚F). In Going from a “5-days” with average temperature of 84°F to another “5-days”  with average temperature of  93°F,  we found that the hourly ozone increased between [30 – to  57%]  while that of fines particles matters increased between [112%  – to 200%].


Understanding diurnal cycles of temperatures is crucial to decision making for vegetation growth, water management and other environmental bodies. My research looked exactly into that, I investigated how temperatures occur around the globe using two different sets of satellite sensors namely the GMI (Global Microwave Imager) and the SSMIS (Special Sensor Microwave Imager Sounder). I interpolated Tb _Brightness Temperature_ data from both sensors on Matlab to reproject daily cycles of Tb which is a parameter of both temperature and emissivity. I found that temperatures are rising in some parts of the globe which poses a serious threat to the ecosystem. Further research like this should be supported to alleviate fundamental issues like this.


Hello everyone! My name is Xiaoqing Wu. My mentor is Dr. Indrani Pal. Our project title is “Investigating Water Usage Patterns tied to California State Water Project”. California (USA) is the largest agricultural producer and one of the populous states in the United State. As the population and agriculture grows, water consumption patterns become crucial to keep track of especially surface water. In this research project, we studied possible changes in water consumption patterns in different counties and water rights holders who obtain surface water supply from the State Water Project (SWP) in California. Our analysis indicates that precipitation and agricultural use have an important impact on surface water consumption.


Casting agents such as Gadavist and Iodine are heavily relied upon in the medical field for a number of types of screenings. Evidently, it is important to know how harmful and in what ways these agents could be harmful. In our lab, we’ve measured the reaction of these ions in different biosystems and using X-rays and MRIs. Using this we aim to model the mechanism for the interaction between these agents and proteins. Potentially so far as to use these ions to modify protein actions with maximum safety in mind. The contrast media provided needs further evaluation, especially in embryonically viable eggs.


My name is BingFang Chen and I do the research project of the Emerging Scholar program. I try to use my projects to help people who get the physical problem, make their life not effect by accident. They can use the mind to control wheelchair move if their hand can’t work temporally. In the current phase of the project, background research is done to learn to use the Electroencephalogram (EEG) measurements of brain waves to control the robot. A modified Mindflex game controller is connected to Arduino and brain activity data is passed on to Processing code running on a PC in order to track and record brain wave patterns. The electrical activity of the brain is used to turn a DC motor on and off. In the future, it will be used to control the speed and direction of the DC motors in a robot, Talk and Roll Rot. In addition, I hope this project will also improve science or helps people who need it.
