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A survey took in MAT 1372 about students’ opinions on Twitter showed that most of them assumed that if a Twitter account has more followers, it will receive more likes or replies. However, accounts can buy followers, and followers do not necessarily mean engagement. In this paper, we used Twitter because it is a significant player in social media, but we can measure influence without using Twitter’s follower count. We took a reference from Meeyoung Cha’s article “The Million Follower Fallacy,” which has demonstrated that the Twitter follower count is a meaningless metric in determining influence. To measure influence, a new metric was developed which is what we called The User Ratio.


The research I conducted focuses on Steven Holls architectural style and German Expressionism. For both styles light played a big role, this having to do with the way the human interacts with the structure. 


“Do you know how your server is feeling? Do you know what is behind the master piece on your plate? Learn about burnout in Hospitality!” Job burnout is a serious issue within the hospitality industry. Most of the establishments within industry operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, pair that with under staffing, long working hours, tight schedule, hostile environment, and high expectation, without proper scheduling, stress management and coping strategies, one can anticipate job burnout. The study aims to bring awareness of the impact job burnout has on an employee’s physical and mental health and highlights the role social capital plays in reducing burnout and improve employees’ performance. Even though the study only focuses on two sectors of the industry, it revealed that when employees experience burned out, their performance declines, they feel fatigued, exhausted and experience a decline in their physical and mental well-being. Therefore, managers must acknowledge the issue and strategize ways to reduce it amongst their staff.


The poster demonstrates the circumstances relating to Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and the burden of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) in the US and EU5 (France, Germany, Italy, Spain, UK), and discusses the successful response of Germany while arguing failures of Spain and the US. Factors that increase the severity and mortality of COVID-19 were Cardiovascular Disease, Neoplasms, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Diabetes Mellitus, Chronic Kidney Disease, Obesity (>30 BMI), Smoking, and old age (65+). The graphs used to discern observations were created using MATLAB. Data was obtained primarily from John Hopkins University (JHU) and Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluations (IHME) databases.


MATLAB is a program that is increasingly used by college students for research and classwork, though the only apparent guides on its use seem to exist on the Mathworks website, which is not always targeted at the novice audience, and can seem confusing as a result. This project endeavors not only to provide a user-friendly guide for importing data into MATLAB, but to also explore the capabilities of Adobe RoboHelp—the software which is used for the content creation. The Import Data Tool along with importing through coding are explored when creating the user guide. In addition, the processes and capabilities of creating content using Adobe RoboHelp are described, as well.


Often hailed as the most mysterious and difficult of all branches of physics, quantum mechanics has fascinated scientists and novice enthusiasts alike for nearly a century. For this project, we will explore the foundations of quantum mechanics – the various perceived paradoxes described by its founders and leading physicists of the 20th century. We will begin with comparing probabilistic and deterministic physics through the application of Newtonian formulas and Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, and gradually move onto exploring the interpretations, implications, and conversations surrounding this ever-evolving field – from the tongue-in-cheek analysis of the Copenhagen interpretation through the Schrödinger’s Cat thought experiment, to the deterministic Many-Worlds interpretation. This will be both an exploration and an ode to this fascinating science.


Magnus Vertical Axis (Magnus VAWT) is an innovative “typhoon-proof” wind turbine aimed towards converting Japan’s yearly typhoon wind power into electricity for the next 50 years.  This would significantly help Japan, which imports 93.02% of its energy; 7.6% is renewable, and 1.9% of wind power. Designed in 2016 by Japanese engineer Atsushi Shimizu, for Challenergy, a start-up technology company based in Japan.  Also named after German physicist Heinrich Gustav Magnus’ for his “Magnus effect” theory, which “explains why air curves when passing by a spinning object”; and “has 3 vertical cylinders that rotate around a vertical axis to generate power.”


Hello my name is Alexandra Solano and I am currently within the MRI track of the Radiological Science major at City Tech. My project this semester focused on measuring and modelling signal-to-noise ratios (SNR) for 3 phantom magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans using Gadolinium-based contrast at Maimonides Medical Center. MRI scanners are frequently used in medical settings to aid in the diagnosis of diseases and patient treatment, and one way to ensure quality assurance of the machine is by assessing signal-to-noise ratios. After performing each MRI scan, I calculated SNR ratios for regions of interest (ROI), including head, foot, anterior, posterior, and phantom. I employed a correction factor of 0.65 to account for background noise (Rician distribution). I conclude that repetition time is a factor that affects whole image SNRs. Each scan also had 4-5 regions of interest (ROI), and we observed varying standard deviation and SNRs. Future work will focus on understanding what affects these ROIs and how to improve image quality.


In this project, I experimented with the use of materials and the measurement of carbon emission produced before a building is being used. To find these measurements there is a process in which could help determine whether a house has met requirements that are considered Passive Haus. In this project, I was assigned to see how these requirements can be implemented in this Eco house to make an energy-efficient home, from the “skeleton” of the house to building elements such as windows. The objective is to construct homes that are both habitable and ecologically sustainable and minimize as much as possible the embodied environmental impact.


Hello, my name is Keyandra Bussey I am a student who majors in Chemistry at New York City College of Technology. In this particular research project, I under the guidance of Dr. Alberto Martinez and Dr. Diana Samaroo explored the depth of an alternative cancer treatment known as Immunotherapy while researching this interesting topic I discovered many things about the current cancer treatments, the finical cost of immunotherapy and why it has such a promising future within the medical field of oncology. The gist of this entire poster is to show how effective immunotherapy can to many cancer patients.