Stem Page 3


Diffuse optical tomography using near-infrared diffused light has demonstrated great potential for the initial diagnosis of tumors. With recent advancement in photonics, LEDs proves to be safer and more reliable in medical use due to their high resistance to physical lacerations, heat, and electrical damage. One of the most appealing strengths of LEDs is the cost, which is several dollars at a similar output power level as that of laser diodes. The goal of this research project is to build a low-cost optical imaging system using infrared LEDs as transmitters and inexpensive advanced photodiodes as receivers.


My name is Ololade Owolabi and I am a senior at City Tech majoring in Architecture. My research topic for the fall 2020 semester was based on the use of sustainable architecture in Nigeria concerning electricity, water, and pollution. This research was done to serve as a form of education to the public to bring awareness to the little amount of sustainability going on in other parts of the world. Research began with a literature search on the subject matter and information in articles and other publications was sorted, compiled, and combined with personal experience gained from my visits to Nigeria located in west Africa. Findings on the research topic showed lack of exposure and awareness among practicing architects and the general public.


As a senior chemistry major at New York City College of Technology, my overall goal is to learn about chemicals, reactions, and their efficiency. As the typical fossil fuels become obsolete and damage the Earth a replacement is needed. The new fuel source must be found in abundance, release little to no harmful byproducts, and must be safe. My literature research is based on Hydrogen, how it can be used as fuel, and more importantly which components come into play when trying to create a hydrogen-fueled future.


Hi, I’m Shisir, I am a junior here at New York City College of Technology studying Computer System Technology, and I am interested in pursuing a career in Computer software. For past several months, I have worked on my research project “Blast+Velocity: Web animation” under Emerging Scholars Program which was great experience. This project gave me great knowledge about the web animation and these two powerful techniques of web animation, Blast.js and Velocity. Even after this project, I’d like to continue to other projects in future. I think ESP would be an amazing platform to grow, gain valuable knowledge which will be very useful even post-graduation because this type of project is what we can showcase to our future employer.


My name is Tatyana Taylor and my project is called the Global Tip Calculator which calculates the gratuity of the tip for a bill at a restaurant. The project was originally created as an Android Application but has upgraded to a Web Application. The importance of the research is to help users get a sense of what it’s like to tip within various countries. The Data I had collected from my research shows that certain Asian countries do not allow tipping, it is interpreted as a form of disrespect and other countries do not obligate the customers to tip, making it not required. Tipping ranges from 5% to 25% among 100 + countries. In the future, this research project can be useful by implementing a database so it can be used in every country.


We analyze drosophila behavioral data from the neuroscience labs of Prof. Maria de la Paz Fernandez, Barnard College of Columbia University, and Prof. Orie Shafer, Advanced Science Research Center, CUNY. The main objective of this project is to create algorithms for analyzing and visualizing the average activity of drosophila across a specified number of days and across all live flies, and use this analysis to calibrate a smoothing filter to be applied to the raw fly activity so that the drosophila behavioral phases can be computed and visualized. We also investigate how to compute and visualize the onset and offset of behavioral phases as well as the trendlines of mid-day fly activity. We also developed a Shiny App that implements all data analysis and visualization and it can be used by anyone not familiar with R.


PEGDA is a biodegredable and bio-competable material that is commonly used in Tissue Engineering field. In this research, degradation rate of  PEGDA will be investigated  by dissolving the PEGDA within the water and ethyl alcohol. And results will be compared to decide the degradation speed of engineered scaffolds.


Good morning, my name is Brian. With the increase in the spread of COVID-19 around the world, my team and I have been working on predicting the spreading growth using machine learning. This algorithm consists of the highest level of deep learning, we are using both a regression model as well as a neural network model. With a regression model, we will find the relationships between the predicted value, which is the increasing number of cases, based on variables such as previous health conditions. We will first use a neural network model to get the most accurate values for the regression model. With this algorithm, we would know which areas of the world are at the highest risks of spreading COVID-19 and it will warn officials to take action in those areas. This project requires a large amount of work and we could use the extra funding to make this algorithm a reality. We could accomplish this with your help.


My name is Erik Peregrina, I am a Mechanical Engineering student at the New York City College of Technology. During the semester I have been conducting research with Dr. Andy Zhang in the field of robotics. This pandemic has shown how slow we can react to a global pandemic. The result of my research was the creation of a low cost 3D printed Rapid Deployment Arm which can easily assembled and disinfected during times of a massive influx of highly infectious patients in hospitals to help reduce the exposure time between them and hospital staff such as, doctors and nurses.


Hello! I am Gui Jing Jiang. I am an upper sophomore in the Department of Communication Design. The title of my research project is Visual Communication Design for Assistive Technology. Visual Communication Design means using digital multimedia tools for communicating with other people. In my research project I explain how multimedia visual communication is used to provide instructions for building and using LipSync assistive technology device. LipSync device is used by a person with physical disability to control the mouse cursor on a mobile computer or smartphone.