Week 10 Assignments
Each week, I will ask you to do four things:
1/ Post an entry in your Learning Journal. Entries in your Learning Journal (LJ) will most often be focused on Free Writing or Structured Free Writing, which is Free Writing in response to a specific topic, prompt, or question. I will give you a weekly LJ assignment. Please post entries in your LJ HERE. This is a private journal that only you and your instructor can access.
2/ Complete one or more Group Assignments (GA), which will require that you contribute either a BLOG POST and/or to our course Discussion Board. These posts and discussions will be read by our entire class.
3/ Complete one to two Reading and Writing Assignments (RWA), which, unless otherwise specified, you will submit as a separate entry/entries in your Learning Journal HERE.
4/ Check in at least THREE separate times a week and respond at least ONCE to contributions by other student blog posts on the Home page of our course Web site AND to forums on the course Discussion Board
- WEEK 10 ASSIGNMENTS: DUE DATE: Tuesday, November 6 at 5PM.
During Week 10, you will be taking the midterm exam and doing some reading.
Please spend 5 to 7 minutes free writing about your experiences and thoughts over the last week. What have been your thoughts about and reactions to this storm?
Group Assignment 14: Checking In and Sharing Information
- Please write a short blog post telling us where you were during the storm, how you were affected, and your thoughts about it. Feel free to also post links to articles or images related to the storm that you want to share with the class.
Reading and Writing Assignment 13: Midterm Exam
The midterm exam requires you to read and respond to a brief opinion article. This is a timed exam. You will have 75 minutes to read and respond. You can access the exam via our BlackBoard site in the Essays/Exams folder. Here is a link:
Before you take the exam, you may want to review a brief tutorial on paragraph structure and development, which is a topic that we have not discussed much this semester. Here is the link to the tutorial:
Reading and Writing Assignment 14: Reading Assignment
Please read the following article by Nicholas Carr: Nicholas Carr, “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” . If you would like to write a blog post in response to it, or with questions that you have about it, please feel free to do so here: