GA # 13 – Group 3

 Members: Zam, Michael P, Osiris, & Tae.

Revised Version of Outline:

Thesis –

We believe that there should be a clear thesis statement indicating what one’s paper will be about, who is being addressed (the audience) which would affect the tone of the paper and last but not least the purpose of the paper. This is the core of the paper which is stated in order to give the audience the general idea and concept of what they will be reading. This is where the effort and thought process would occur. (30%)

Strength of Argument –

One’s argument is connected to the thesis. More importantly what is needed for the argument is facts and evidence in order to prove or back up the thesis provided. This also shows the audience the author’s knowledge of the topic and shows the proper usage of the argument. This is also where one can raise the counterargument to notify their readers of the other possibility, yet having it come back in their favor which evidently will happen to prove their thesis. (30%)

Logic & Continuity-

The order of paragraphs is of high importance. It creates a flow throughout the reading. It provides organized thoughts as the audience continues to read. The order of one’s thoughts and ideas help transition onto the next paragraph. For example if one was to provide evidence, as each paragraph goes on, the evidence becomes more convincing. This hopefully would trigger the reader’s mind and understand the point that was trying to be made across. (10%)

Connecting Evidence back to Thesis –

Once everything is said and done, a good personal essay should have a noticeable connection of all the evidence and facts proving their thesis to be true. It reassures the strengths of the arguments that were made. In order to connect back to the thesis, you would need to restate the thesis in a way where you are not repeating yourself. You can possibly end it off with a wise quote proving your thesis to correct. (Option) (20%)

Editing & Proofreading-

After everything is all said and done it is always wise to go back and fix up any errors one may not have picked up while writing. It also helps one to reword certain thoughts and ideas and whether or not to take away from or to add on to something in order to help make it better. Once the foundation is there, proofreading allows you to build from there and perfect anything. (10%)


From Week 7:

Similarities from Various Groups:

From analyzing what most groups have to say, some similarities that I see that I also think are key components to a guideline for personal essays are the:

–        Thesis
–        The strength of an argument or Claims and Evidence
–        And finally the structure and order of the events

Differences from various groups:

–        The conclusion I think various members from different groups have different aspects on. Some believe it’s meant to conclude back to the thesis to validate it. Others believe solutions should be given in order to make the point come across.


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One Response to GA # 13 – Group 3

  1. This is excellent! Thank you!

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