GA # 14 – Checking In & Sharing Information

During the storm, I was home all day with my entire family. We live near the east river so we did have some flooding on the blocks closest to the water. Car tires were under water. My dad and I had gone outside at one point when the rain had calmed down to get some fresh air. We saw so many people taking pictures of what was going on, all huddled around the area that had gotten flooded. The flood didn’t affect me and my family as much but my heart does go out to those who had lost a lot during the storm. Losing the internet for 2-3 days was a huge loss for me so I can’t even imagine how it would feel to lose my home. The one positive thing that came out of the storm was that I was able to spend some quality time with my family. Juggling both school and work made it difficult for me to relax and truly spend time with them so I was able to do that and interact with them.


Sorry for the late response, I had everything in my tablet written out but never had the time to submit it.

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