Group Assignment 20 – Reflecting on Unphotgraphable Moments

Going back to my blog posts about the unphotgraphable moments I realized that describing the picture like we did gave it more depth. I don’t personally see myself as an artistic person where I can view a painting or a picture and feel as if the colors changed my mood or anything along those lines. But words to me are very powerful. The thing about the unphotgraphable moments that I enjoyed a lot is the thought that I’m pretty sure not everyone’s image in their minds f the words displayed on the screen were exactly the same. I think it allowed all of us to view the words by creating an image but every single one had their own personality added to it as well and were able to relate to it and imagine the actual scene and compare and contrast to the ones portrayed through words. It was a very interesting assignment which I enjoyed a lot. It brought out a creative side within us.

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