GA 16

I always thought when you start with an essay you start off by writing a draft but with college writing its different. How do I prepare a draft?

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5 Responses to GA 16

  1. I’m a bit confused by this question. Could you clarify what you mean? I’d like to understand what you are asking.

  2. sharone says:

    what i do it start with an out line. with each paragrapgh i write a topic and a little plan on what to say to back it up and a little example.. what ever to make my point clear and easy to understand.

  3. i have never done an outline for any essay that i write. so i just recommend you to write down the 3 topics you want to talk about first and then just combine the thesis to that.

  4. Joseph.C says:

    I usually just start brainstorming,writing down my ideas.Then when i have a clear idea of what i am going to write,i start the draft.

  5. I also try to first brainstorm the topic of the essay. Usually the three areas where I have the most to say become my three main points. Then I try to add as many details as possible to each one. When I have my outline ready it’s easier to focus on the main idea of the essay and just write.

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