GA 13 Rosario Morel

  1. Thesis – the thesis should provide your reader with a guide to your argument.
  2. development – the development should first have a sentence to get the attention to of readers, then a sentence that makes the transition to the thesis statement and finally paragraphs that explain your thesis and a conclusion.
  3. order of events – the order of the paragraphs is very important because the way you put your paragraphs will be the way readers will understand what you are trying to reveal in your essay. the way the paragraphs are written will either interest or just bored your readers.
  4. strength or argument – the thesis statement will state all the arguments you are going to be mentioning within your essay. the strength of your argument should contain the appropriate facts and evidence to show your readers what you wrote in your essay is a subject that you know about very well but most of all that you can back it up with your own statements.
  5. technique of argument – the technique of your argument have to either get the attention of your readers or just push them away, therefore you have to try to connect to the audience that you pick for your essay and just make your writing relatable to them.
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