Welcome to Week 3!

Dear Students,

Thank you so much for all of your assignments and your journal entries.  I will be responding to some of your writing soon via e-mail.  In the next week, I will also be adding a section to our OpenLab site where you can check what assignments I have received from you and my assessment of them.  In t he meantime, the assignments for Week 3 have been posted.  Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

Thank you also for your input on the File Sharing: Best Practices discussion board.  I have decided that I would like to have all of your RWAs put into your Learning Journals.  This will, I hope, simplify matters for the time being.  Please DO NOT UPLOAD FILES TO THE OPENLAB SITE.  I am concerned about privacy issues with posting files to the FILES section and posting RWA files to the Media section is not working for me.  Thanks for your patience as we iron out the kinks with file sharing.

Finally, I will be REMOVING Week 1 and Week 2 assignments at the end of this week.  If you are behind, please use this week to catch up. It will be your last chance to complete work that you may have missed from earlier weeks.

All best,

Professor Rodgers

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