Monthly Archives: June 2023

June 13 Aligre Market

Today we visit Aligre Market in district 12. It was a hot summer day. We enjoyed market with the fresh fruits and and vegetable. Learned about the cheese and bread culture of France.

Picnic Table
Protection door for subway line
Real Pineapple
Home cookware for tourist

June 12- Day 3

On this bright and sunny day, the school provided for a us a shuttle bus to Champagne and visited to two sites, Champagne Mercier and Champagne Geoffroy. Overall, we enjoyed this new experience. It is very different reading it and watching videos then for you to be there your self.

Here is a picture of our arrival at the house of Mercier which we were greeted with a champagne on our hands.
This 20-ton champagne barrel was hauled through the streets by 24 oxen and 18 horses.  It’s so big that five nearby buildings had to be demolished just so it could get through.  
This is where we relaxed and had a quick lunch before heading out to Champagne Geoffroy.
This is Champagne Geoffroy and where the professor mentioned its a small winery but family oriented.
This is there newest barrel edition from 2015.
Champagne Geoffroy also upgrade to stainless steel to obtain consistency on there champagne.
Mr. Geoffroy grab a bottle of wine and amazed the student because he put the bottle upside down and he put the light on the bottom of the bottle and we saw the yeast coming down.
These are wines that needs to be kept in this position (riddling) this is to loosen sediments so that it can collect it on the bottle neck.
Mr. Geoffroy mentioned that these bottles on the back wall will be ready to bottled up, cleaned and labeled to sell in 5 years. We should come back then.
We ended tasting 4 different champagnes and some of us learned how to open up a bottle of champagne.

Paris day 2

Our day began at 11:00 AM , we all headed to the lobby to meet Professor Abreu and Professor Zinder to begin our day for 3 hour walking tour led by Professor Zinder.

Professor Zinder leaded the group and we went to the Malakoff Plateau de Vanves ( train/metro station near our hotel so we can get to the city . ) Once we all arrived at the metro station , Professor Zinder explained how to use and understand the train system in Paris.

The Malakoff station.
We stopped by to take a group photo near the Eiffel Tower .
After we took some pictures ,we continued walking . Professor Zinder briefly explained the hiistory of the Eiffel Tower .
After some walking again , we all walked over to the Place de la Concorde and sat across the Pont Alexandre III Bridge and did a little introduction about ourselves . Professor Zinder talked about the French important by historical figures.

Just like that our walking tour was over. Once we were dismissed some of us went back to the hotel and the rest of us went to grab a food.We went to this restaurant called “Dinand par Fardi “located in the 8th arrondissement . The food was amazing and we decided that we would definitely be coming back again next time before our trip ends.

We then started heading to the Galaries Lafayette in hopes of going up to the rooftop to enjoy the view of the city,unfortunately it was a fail because we couldn’t find where the rooftop was.

The Galaries Lafayette

We then made the decision to continue our adventure by heading to the The Seine River .

Seine River Cruise

We bought tickets to the Seine River Cruise purchase of 15 euros which was incredibly worthwhile until it started raining.

Just like that our second day in Paris came to an end .Overall todays tour was great and we had the opportunity to visit many places.What a better way to start our adventure for the remaining days.

Immersion Classes: Day 5

Today, June 7th, was our last day of Immersion class with Prof Duchamp! 

We practiced lots of french phrases, watched videos on pick-pockets, and role played ordering in a restaurant. 

We had lots of fun practicing this new language and getting used to French culture! Looking forward to this experience!!

See you all in Paris on Saturday!

A plus!!

Immersion Classes Day 4

Today we had the pleasure of meeting Professor Duchamp. As a French native and New York native, we learned about the good and not so good things about Paris from his perspective and experience. We learned how to say a few basic French phrases while getting to know each other better with the fun of throwing fish across the room. Professor Duchamp taught us how to navigate the Metro and RER map for Paris and it was pretty simple for us native New Yorkers. We were also introduced to basic items used in everyday life in France that were very new to us.

A few days left until we are living the life in Paris! See you all tomorrow at our last immersion class before we take off!


Immersion Classes: Day 3

Today, June 5th, was our third day of Immersion class! We discussed some of the rules/regulations, mentioned some helpful tips for reflecting, and got into groups to do some research on the places we will be visiting while in Paris. The groups got together to make a list of ten interesting facts on each of the locations to share with the rest of the class. This got us very excited and pumped to see these places in person in the next few weeks!

Looking forward to our language immersion classes à demain!!  

See you all tomorrow at 9:30am!

Immersion Classes Day 2: June 2

On the second day of our immersion classes we covered the topic of culture and what that means. We discussed what it means to understand the cultures of others especially without judgement. We also got to learn alot about each other’s cultures and about the French culture we are about to experience. The countdown continues for the day we begin our adventure in Paris.

Have a great weekend everyone! / Passez un bon weekend tout le monde!

Your liaison,

Elaine Suarez

First Immersion Class: June 1

Today was the first immersion class, where we played some ice breakers, ate some M&M’s, and asked plenty of burning questions! The groups also had a chance to work together and discuss some details for their Walking Tour projects.

It was a great first get-together!

See you all tomorrow / À demain!

Your friendly liaison,

Madelyn Kelly