Final day of group walking tour presentations

Pere Lachaise Cemetary

Today was the final day of walking tour projects. Although the weather was terrible the show still went on and we first visited Pere Lachaise cemetery where we got to see burial grounds of well known poet Oscar Wilde as well as others who were buried there. We next got to visit Notre Dame where my group presented and although we weren’t physically able to go inside we still shared lots of important facts with our classmates. Then finally we got to visit the Jardin de Luxemberg where we were able to bask in the beauty that the garden had to offer. We also we’re able to do our final tour of Paris where we did our restaurant history tour. We visited the Church Saint-Eustace, the oldest Pastry shop in Paris and Au Pied de chochon and some students got to purchase culinary and baking tools while we visited Sas E. Dehillerin.

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