Macaroon Tour & Wine Tasting

Today we had a special tasting! Macaroon tasting with Johnny @lebonparistours. Unfortunately, the whole class could not go so we were separated in groups. I was in group a meaning we were the first ones who gained the tasting experience. 

Here is a photo of Group A leaving the hotel at 9:00am

All of us had to meet with our student liaison (Madelyn) to get to our destination.

We took the N RER that takes us to Montparnasse then we transferred to N4 p the de cilignancourt stopped at Saint German des Pres.

All of us arrived early to our destination! Professor Zinder & Johnny Arrived. He introduced himself talked about the tour. The objective of it was to try all macaroons from 4 locations (Richart, Laduree, Maison George Larner, Arnaudlarher, and Mulot . He provided markers to write down our Favorite flavors.Ā 

Richart : Johnny Presented a Menu from Richart. The Chocolate and Vanilla macaroons are from Madagascar. Orange Blossom and Rose was mentioned to be just like perfume. We also learned that the establishment has a brand-new apricot flavor.Ā 

Laduree :Most famous bakeshop in France and Worldwide Since 1800ā€™s. The original owner had a change of career and so this is where it all started John mentioned to us how much he likes the Theme and Color descriptions. Employees look professional with their attire! Which surprised me because you would never see a bakery employee like that?Ā 

Historical Facts: Macaroons started in 1500ā€™s, The traditional macaroon was not colorful like it is today. It was described just as a ā€œSugar Cookieā€. The ingredients of Macaroon: Sugar, Almond, Flour. ETC. Back then, it was only almond paste. Later, color was added.Ā 


Maison George : John provided history of the shop. He told us that Georgeā€™s father was in the pastry field. Then he enrolled hater. Being quite successful, he had his first truck where he sold French fries. Then opened his first bakeshop and won Meilleur Ouvrier De France (Where president of France Gives the Award)Ā 

Arnardlarhe : Received Title Of Les Incontournables du Chocolatc FrancisĀ Has Several Pastries like Chocolat Noir, Praline Noisette and More. I was fascinated to see Fraiser and Cheesecake Louise

Mulot: Opened in 1970 and use organic ingredients. On other side, there are traditional macaroons in display from back then. Several of them had different colors / designs.Ā 

Arrived at Luxembourg Garden, Johnny distributed a Macaroon Rate Sheet. Where we would decide on Size, Color, Crunch, Taste, and Overall Impression. Everyone had an amazing experience.

We ended our visit with a group photo along with a beautiful view.Ā 

Wine Tasting With Tanisha Townsend

Our Last Wine tasting Rose Champagne ! Our Guest provided information such as her personal experience and wine facts / techniques we did not know about . It was an amazing session šŸ™‚

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