Category Archives: Uncategorized

WeBWorK tutorials – How to create quizzes/exams and best practices

Hi Everyone,

Andrew has been kind enough to help guide us in creating quizzes and exams in WeBWorK.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to the Opening Gateways team members if you have questions, comments or need further help.

Best Regards,

The Opening Gateways team

K. Andrew Parker,,

Marianna Bonanome

Jonas Reitz,

Laura Ghezzi,

Ariane Masuda,

Charlie Edwards,



Mini-course on Adapting OER Textbooks using LibreTexts at this year’s JMM by Judy Dean

Hi All,

Our wonderful flipped classroom presenter Judy Dean is giving a mini-course at this year’s JMM in Denver, CO. Here is the information in case any of you would like to sign up for it. The cost is the same as for all the JMM mini-courses, $100.

Minicourse 3. Creating and Adapting OER Textbooks Using the LibreTexts Platform.

Minicourse is scheduled in the Colorado Convention Center, Room 708 for the following dates/times:

Part A: WEDS 15 Jan, 9:00 am – 11:00 am

Part B: FRI 17 Jan, 9:00 am – 11:00 am



Some details for the ICTCM Conference in Orlando, Fl, March 2020

Hi OG Fellows,

For those of  you who are planning to attend/present at the ICTCM Conference with us in Orlando, Florida in March, 2020, here are the latest details.

We can talk more tomorrow about figuring out funding/travel arrangements. I will keep you updated as we have more information about the program.

All the best,



Seminar 6 – Friday 11/15/2019 at City Tech

Effective Advisement Strategies for Math Faculty

 City Tech, Faculty Commons, Namm 227, 10:30 am – 1:30 pm

10:30 am         Deliverables presentation and working session

Fellows will briefly present a draft of their STEM Application Template and they will bring the resources needed to keep working (including laptop).

12:30  pm          Discussion around advisement

Presenter: Sandie Han (Chair, Mathematics Department)

1:00 pm          Lunch, continue discussion on advisement, feedback

 Upcoming Events


City Tech Fellows only: Deliverables Wrap-up Session Friday, December 6, 2019, 10:30 am-1:30 pm, City Tech, Namm 227



Seminar 5 Friday 11/1/2019 at BMCC!

A Taste of Flipping Your Classroom

BMCC, room S613, 11AM-2PM

11:00 am Welcome and discussion of grant business

11:15 am Presenter:  Judy Putnam Dean (Monroe Community College)


  • Experience flipped environment as a student
  • Benefits and drawbacks of flipping
  • Contrast flipping intermediate algebra/college algebra vs calculus
  • Lay the groundwork to design your flipped lesson

1:30 pm  Lunch and discussion

1:50 pm Feedback

Upcoming events:

Seminar #6 (City Tech) Effective Advisement Strategies for Math Faculty with Math Department Chair Sandie Han, Friday 11/15/2019, 10:30 am – 1:30 pm, rm. N227 Faculty Commons.

Seminar #2 is this Friday 9/20

Open Digital Pedagogies and STEM Applications

City Tech, room N227

10:30 am         Welcome and Introduction to the STEM Application Template

10:45 am         Using Open Digital Pedagogies in the Math Classroom

Presenters: Jody R. Rosen, OpenLab Co-Director Jason Ellis, OpenLab Co-Director Olivia Wood, OpenLab Digital Pedagogy Fellow

Abstract: In this interactive session, the OpenLab Team will give a brief introduction to the OpenLab and show examples of Open Digital Pedagogy that can work well in math courses. After demonstrating the features of the MAT 1475 OpenLab course template (and 1275 or 1375 as needed), the OpenLab team will guide participants through the steps necessary to clone the template so each participant has a course site to use for teaching in the Spring 2020 semester.

12:15 pm         STEM Applications for MAT 1475

Introduction to deliverables with examples from previous cohorts of fellows. Focused discussion on MAT 1475 topics and brainstorming for the development of new activities utilizing open digital pedagogies.

1:00 pm           Pizza and Continued Discussion of Deliverables

1:20 pm           Feedback

Upcoming Events

Friday, October 4, 2019, 10:30 am-1:30 pm: Desmos in the Math Classroom (joint workshop City Tech/BMCC) at City Tech room N119.

Welcome to Opening Gateways 2019-2020!! Seminar 1 is Friday 9/6!

Active Learning Strategies

City Tech, Namm 119

10:30 am Welcome 

                           Brief introduction to the grant, goals, expectations etc.

11:00 am Active Learning and Conceptual Understanding in Calculus                    

                           Presenters: Steve Hinds and Greg Fein

Abstract: This interactive session will include a demonstration and discussion of a calculus lesson that emphasizes student voice, encourages students to identify and describe patterns, asks students to provide reasoning for their conclusions, and involves the whole class in gradually refining a definition based on information that arises over the course of the lesson. The seminar will also include a brief activity focused on strategies for asking effective questions in the Calculus classroom.

1:00 pm Lunch and Discussion 

1:20 pm Feedback and Photos

Upcoming Events

Friday, September 20, 2019, 10:30 am-1:30 pm:  Open Digital Pedagogies and STEM Applications (City Tech, Faculty Commons, Namm 227)