Seminar #2 is this Friday 9/20

Open Digital Pedagogies and STEM Applications

City Tech, room N227

10:30 am         Welcome and Introduction to the STEM Application Template

10:45 am         Using Open Digital Pedagogies in the Math Classroom

Presenters: Jody R. Rosen, OpenLab Co-Director Jason Ellis, OpenLab Co-Director Olivia Wood, OpenLab Digital Pedagogy Fellow

Abstract: In this interactive session, the OpenLab Team will give a brief introduction to the OpenLab and show examples of Open Digital Pedagogy that can work well in math courses. After demonstrating the features of the MAT 1475 OpenLab course template (and 1275 or 1375 as needed), the OpenLab team will guide participants through the steps necessary to clone the template so each participant has a course site to use for teaching in the Spring 2020 semester.

12:15 pm         STEM Applications for MAT 1475

Introduction to deliverables with examples from previous cohorts of fellows. Focused discussion on MAT 1475 topics and brainstorming for the development of new activities utilizing open digital pedagogies.

1:00 pm           Pizza and Continued Discussion of Deliverables

1:20 pm           Feedback

Upcoming Events

Friday, October 4, 2019, 10:30 am-1:30 pm: Desmos in the Math Classroom (joint workshop City Tech/BMCC) at City Tech room N119.

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