Welcome to Opening Gateways 2019-2020!! Seminar 1 is Friday 9/6!

Active Learning Strategies

City Tech, Namm 119

10:30 am Welcome 

                           Brief introduction to the grant, goals, expectations etc.

11:00 am Active Learning and Conceptual Understanding in Calculus                    

                           Presenters: Steve Hinds and Greg Fein

Abstract: This interactive session will include a demonstration and discussion of a calculus lesson that emphasizes student voice, encourages students to identify and describe patterns, asks students to provide reasoning for their conclusions, and involves the whole class in gradually refining a definition based on information that arises over the course of the lesson. The seminar will also include a brief activity focused on strategies for asking effective questions in the Calculus classroom.

1:00 pm Lunch and Discussion 

1:20 pm Feedback and Photos

Upcoming Events

Friday, September 20, 2019, 10:30 am-1:30 pm:  Open Digital Pedagogies and STEM Applications (City Tech, Faculty Commons, Namm 227)

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